SALLY SORTS IT: Our children spent £950 on an iPhone game in TWO HOURS

My 12-year-old daughter was at a friend’s house recently and, while playing on the pal’s phone, they downloaded the game Genshin Impact through the Apple Family Sharing facility.

Although the parents had permission settings switched on, the girls managed to spend about £950 on game extras in a couple of hours, without understanding what they were doing.

The friend’s father reported it right away and has escalated the complaint many times, but Apple won’t sanction a full refund. Both girls are autistic, which could be relevant. Please can you help? Anon

Looted: Two 12-year-old girls were somehow able to spend £950 on an iPhone game they had just downloaded in only two hours

Sally Hamilton replies: You told me you found it extraordinary that the girls were able to spend so much money in such a short space of time on a computer game, but you felt the fact they are on the autism spectrum may have influenced their impulsive decision-making.

I asked Apple to investigate what had happened, as the friend’s father was certain that controls had been applied to prevent unwanted spending.

The company examined the sequence of events. It turns out the girls were buying the fantasy adventure game’s ‘loot boxes’, which contain a virtual currency called Genesis Crystals. 

This allows players to purchase additional items such as characters or other content designed to make the game more fun to play.

The pair spent between £12.99 and £89.99 on each box.

Apple found that its ‘Ask to Buy’ feature, which requests approval from the person who pays for such purchases, had indeed been set up last August. However, it had somehow been switched off a month later.

There was no activity shown on the account until the recent play date, when the purchases were made without the cardholder being tipped off beforehand.

Apparently, a password is also required for the transactions to go ahead.

Scam Watch

Drivers desperate to slash their petrol bills are being urged to watch out for rogue devices promising to help reduce fuel consumption.

One product widely advertised on social media by a brand called EcoDriver costs £39.99 and claims to reduce fuel use by ‘up to 55 per cent’. 

But experts are warning motorists not to buy it.

‘Don’t be taken in by scam devices such as this one,’ says Adrian Porter, a car researcher at Which?.

‘It’s not as simple as just popping on a third-party device that ‘re-maps’ your engine, which is what the EcoDriver claims to do.

‘Carried out incorrectly, re-mapping your engine can be dangerous to you and damaging to your car.

‘It could also increase fuel consumption, rather than decrease it.’

Steer clear!

Before I intervened, Apple had already refunded around £100 of the money. But once it had looked at the case again, on my request, it agreed to refund the remaining £850 as a goodwill gesture.

You are mightily relieved, as is your daughter’s friend and her father. He tells me that he has re-examined the parental controls on the family’s devices to prevent it from happening again.

This case serves as a cautionary tale for parents to check regularly that the desired settings are in place on their devices — and that they are working, as getting the money back is not guaranteed.

Here’s my game plan for avoiding unwanted bills:

  • Consider blocking access to game extras altogether, or at least set limits on the amount of money that can be spent.
  • Always keep passwords and any ID, as well as PINs, out of reach of children.
  • Don’t let children register their own fingerprints or facial recognition on a phone or tablet.

These measures should allow you to screen any purchases before they are made.

If payments still go through, parents should receive emailed receipts (never set up an account with a child’s email address), which can alert them in time to stop further spending. Of course, busy parents may not see these before it is too late.

Most importantly, and before you allow games to be downloaded in the first place, think about explaining to your children the consequences of getting carried away in a game and clicking on any additional content.

If they understand that adding extra characters or adventures to their game can cost real money, they might think twice about their actions.

Straight to the point 

I paid £422.76 to renew my British Gas HomeCare agreement this year. It confirmed it had received my cheque on January 15. 

But I was then pestered with letters saying I had not paid and, on April 21, my contract was cancelled. I want my money back.

P. W., London.

British Gas has contacted you to apologise for the delay in processing your cheque, which it blames on clerical error. 

Your money is now being refunded, and you have been offered an additional £100 in compensation.


My grandson is supposed to be going to France on a school trip, but we are still waiting for his Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) to arrive. My daughter applied for it back in March. What’s happened?

M. O., by email.

The NHS Business Service Authority, which handles these applications, says the card was dispatched on June 8. 

As it has not yet arrived, the agency has reissued the card and it should be with you in time for the trip.


Why has TUI taken £202.74 from my bank account? I have already paid £135 for return flights to Palma. I cannot get through to the travel firm because its phone lines are so busy.

S. K., Plymouth.

TUI traced the payment to one of its stores, where you bought euros for your trip. This must have slipped your mind. However, the firm has paid you £200 as a goodwill gesture.


We have a £61-a-month policy with Hometree which covers boiler and heating repair costs. When we sold our house, I was told I would have to terminate the contract and pay a £181.77 cancellation fee.

D. J., Wokingham, Berks.

Hometree refused to speak to me in detail about your case. But it rang you after I made contact and waived the fee. The employee also suggested the firm would look again at its policy regarding these types of cases.

I ordered an £80 dress online from Zara but, before it arrived, I saw the same garment in one of the shops and realised it was too long for me. 

So when the parcel arrived, I posted it back straight away, without even taking the tape off the box.

A few days later, Zara emailed to say the dress was ‘not in an unworn condition’, so the return was not accepted and the order was sent back to me.

I have looked over every inch of the dress and there is not a single mark on it.

Customer services told me there was a make-up mark and that they had taken a photo. I don’t wear make-up — and there isn’t a mark on it anyway. I asked for the evidence, but my request was declined.

I am a 53-year-old woman and, financially, I do not need to buy clothes, wear them and send them back for a refund. I am furious at the insinuation.

M. S., Chislehurst.

Sally Hamilton replies: Zara’s approach seemed a little overzealous to me. But the retailer has recently introduced a £1.95 charge for returning online purchases to third-party drop-off points, such as the Post Office, so perhaps it is cracking down on all areas of its returns policy.

I could only find an email address for Zara’s press team, so sent off a request for the retailer to look again at your complaint.

However, the strict no-returns rule it followed in your case also seemed to apply to my emails; I never received an answer.

But someone must have read them, because you were soon contacted by customer services and, after a bit of toing and froing, a refund was finally granted.

You returned the dress to the nearest store (also saving on the £1.95 fee) and now have your £80 back in your bank account.

  • Write to Sally Hamilton at Sally Sorts It, Money Mail, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT or email — include phone number, address and a note addressed to the offending organisation giving them permission to talk to Sally Hamilton. Please do not send original documents as we cannot take responsibility for them. No legal responsibility can be accepted by the Daily Mail for answers given. 
