Samantha Armytage took to social media on Friday to reveal her shock reaction to the news she left a Sunrise producer ‘mortified’ after sending them a ‘stern email’.
The Channel Seven star, 47, shared a post to Instagram revealing she apparently agreed with ex-digital producer Alexandria Funnell’s claim that an email Armytage sent left her humiliated.
‘An excellent podcast, I highly recommend. Really good insight into behind the scenes of Sunrise back in the day,’ Samantha began.
‘From a dynamic young woman and talented digital producer.’
Armytage did not express her disagreement with any of the claims Funnell made.
It comes after it was reported the ex-Sunrise star left a series producer reeling when she sent them a very ‘stern email’ during her time on the breakfast show.
Armytage, who has since announced she is leaving the network, was a Sunrise co-anchor from 2013 to 2021 alongside David ‘Kochie’ Koch.
Now ex-digital producer Alexandria Funnell has revealed on her That’s Showbiz Baby! podcast that she was left ‘mortified’ by an email she received from the TV presenter.
Samantha Armytage (pictured) took to social media on Friday to reveal her shock reaction to the news she left a Sunrise producer ‘mortified’ after sending them a ‘stern email’
‘There was a little bit of an incident that I had with Sam Armytage, it was really upsetting,’ Alexandria told her co-host Jordy Lucas, a former Neighbours star.
‘She’d done a story on… kindergarten kids. It was hilarious.’
Alexandria went on to say she scheduled the story to go live on social media during the ‘primetime’ 5-6pm slot to take advantage of the algorithm.
However, she revealed Samantha became incensed earlier in the day when she realised her segment hadn’t been immediately shared online.
‘She thought I’d snubbed the story, so she sent me a stern email,’ Alexandria said, adding that Samantha CC’d all her superiors into the message.
The Channel Seven star, 47, shared a post to Instagram revealing she apparently agreed with ex-digital producer Alexandria Funnell’s claim that an email Armytage sent left her ‘mortified’
The email allegedly read: ‘Hello, Alex, I’ve noticed that the story on the kindergarten kids isn’t live yet. Is there a reason for this?
‘We work very hard for these stories, and to see that these stories aren’t getting coverage online is incredibly disappointing. Can you please put it up ASAP?’
Alexandria said she was ‘mortified’ upon reading the email, admitting she ‘just wanted her to like me’.
Samantha later ‘apologised’ to Alexandria for the message after the podcaster explained to the media personality she scheduled the post to release at primetime.
It comes after the Farmer Wants A Wife host surprised fans when she announced her departure from Network Seven on Sunday.
She declined a new deal with Seven after her current contract expires in October, The Daily Telegraph reported.
Describing the departure as ‘sad and bittersweet,’ she told the publication that she felt her time had come and that she was excited about her future.
‘An excellent podcast, I highly recommend. Really good insight into behind the scenes of Sunrise back in the day,’ Samantha began, when discussing ex-Sunrise producer Alexandra Funnel’s wild story about her