Former high-class call girl Samantha X tried her very best to get a male escort service off the ground.
The 44-year-old – who stopped working as an escort last year but still runs a highly successful female agency – shutdown her male service soon after launching it in 2014.
Speaking to Daily Mail Australia on Saturday, Samantha revealed the shocking conduct behind her decision and explained why said issues were unique to men.
‘It was a disaster!’ Samantha X reveals the shocking staff conduct that led her to scrap a male escort service she ran and explains why she’ll NEVER have the same issue with female workers
In 2014, Sam hosted an interview day with fifteen shortlisted candidates, including several married applicants who had gone behind their wives’ backs to be there.
‘I launched Samantha X Heroes (her female agency is called Samantha X Angels) and basically it was a disaster,’ she said.
‘Some of the men were unreliable and thought it was enough being good looking.

Angels and Heroes: ‘I launched Samantha X Heroes (her female agency is called Samantha X Angels, pictured here) and basically it was a disaster,’ Sam told Daily Mail Australia
‘One turned up for a date in a creased suit and another whinged about seeing a client for overnight as she had “bad teeth”‘.

Complaints: ‘Some of the men were unreliable and thought it was enough being good looking… ‘One turned up for a date in a creased suit and another whinged about seeing a client for overnight as she had “bad teeth”‘ (pictured is male escort ‘Jack’)
At a certain point, Sam realised she had to shut Samantha X Heroes down – she was receiving too many complaints and practically no positive feedback.
‘They were completely opposite to my female escorts at Samantha X Angels. My ladies don’t even notice what a male client looks like, it’s not important to them,’ she said.
‘They can see beyond looks, and understand the human body is just a shell. If female escorts were fussy about what a client looks like I can assure you they wouldn’t make any money.’
When asked why she’d chosen to launch a male agency, Sam cited her interview with Channel Seven’s Sunday Night in 2014 – considered by many to be a landmark moment for industry exposure.
‘I was inundated not only with women wanting to ditch their day jobs to become an escort but men too.’
‘Most of them (the men) saw it as sleeping with hot chicks for money as a dream job,’ she recalled.
‘I tried to explain that they would have female clients that they may not necessarily be attracted to and asked if that was the case, would they be able to perform?’
‘One young gun laughed and said “Yeah I do it most Saturday nights anyway after a few beers” but the others were almost shocked they may be paired up with women they may not be attracted to.’

Easy money? ‘Most of them (the men) saw it as sleeping with hot chicks for money as a dream job,’ she recalled, adding they were ‘shocked’ when asked if they were comfortable that not all the women would be attractive
But by far the most surprising complaint Sam received came from the women she sent her ‘Heroes’ out to.
Sam explained: ‘The funniest moment was when a single mum in her 40s called me to complain about one of my escorts because he “talked too much and there wasn’t enough sex”‘
She came to the realisation that women who use escort services have very different needs to her male clients.

Not a problem! ‘One young gun laughed and said “Yeah I do it most Saturday nights anyway after a few beers” but the others were almost shocked they may be paired up with women they may not be attracted to’ she said
‘(The women who used my service) didn’t want the hours of drawn out conversation over a bottle of wine, or the dinner dates – they wanted sex, pure and simple.’
While most distant observers of the industry may assume men use escorts for sex and women use them for conversation, in reality, it’s the opposite.

Why men? At a certain point, Sam realised she had to shut Samantha X Heroes down – she was receiving too many complaints and practically no positive feedback
‘Women talk all day, to their friends and their kids – so when they are paying for company, it’s mouths firmly closed and bed sheets open,’ Sam said.
‘Men on the other hand I believe crave intimacy on all levels – I’m going to be bold here and say they love the chat as much as the physical act.
‘The conversations and connections are what makes them come back – but sex is sex is sex after all.’

Men are from Mars: ‘They were completely opposite to my female escorts at Samantha X Angels. My ladies don’t even notice what a male client looks like, it’s not important to them,’ she said