Scots rugby star Stuart Hogg is bailed ahead of domestic abuse trial

Former Scotland rugby captain Stuart Hogg appeared in court yesterday charged with stalking after being arrested for a third time.

The 32-year-old arrived in handcuffs in a prison van at Jedburgh Sheriff Court, where he was also charged with breaking bail conditions.

Hogg, who appeared from ­custody, was later allowed to walk free from the building despite prosecutors saying that he ‘can’t be trusted’ to stick to restrictions.

He had originally flown in from France after playing for his club side Montpellier at the weekend to stand trial over a series of domestic abuse charges.

But he was arrested by police on Monday night after allegedly breaching bail conditions during an arranged video call with his children.

Stuart Hogg was charged with stalking and breaking his bail conditions

He was told his domestic abuse trial would now be later in the year after he denied the latest allegations against him.

Hogg spent a night in police cells earlier this year after allegedly sending his estranged wife ‘unpleasant’ text messages.

During the six-minute hearing, Hogg spoke only to confirm his name, with his lawyer Mat ­Patrick ­telling the court his client pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Mr Patrick said there was nothing relating to his conduct which was violent, adding: ‘Whatever happened in this case seems to have arisen because Mr Hogg is allowed contact with his children, and there is no prohibition on him going to the property where his children were residing at that time.’

Prosecutor Drew Long said it was the Crown’s position that Hogg ‘can’t be trusted’ and he should be remanded in custody.

Sheriff Peter Paterson released the player and told him: ‘It seems to me that part of this may be your desire to see your children, and for that reason you are going to be released on bail.

‘You are not to approach, attempt to approach or contact Gillian Hogg in any way. That means you say absolutely nothing to her at all under any circumstances.’

A Police Scotland spokesman confirmed the star, who was awarded an MBE in the 2024 New Year Honours for services to rugby union, had been arrested on his arrival back in the UK.

Hogg faces six charges against him. There are two counts of stalking, engaging in a course of behaviour which was abusive to an ex-partner, failing to comply with an undertaking and two breaches of bail conditions.

Court papers accused him of, on August 12, failing to comply with a bail condition in that he used a video call which had been arranged to allow him to have contact with his children as a means of speaking to Mrs Hogg.

He is also accused of failing to comply with the condition in that, on August 17, he parked his car in such a way as to stop her from driving away and spoke directly to his estranged wife, the court papers said.

The charges against him include claims he acted aggressively to his wife, accused her of infidelity, tracked her moments and monitored her communications. 

Earlier this year, Hogg admitted breaching a court order not to have any contact with her and was released so he could be best man at his brother’s wedding.

Sheriff Kevin McCarron warned the sportsman that it was ‘highly unlikely’ he would be granted bail in the future if there was any repeat of his behaviour.

Hogg and his wife split last year, and shortly after their youngest child was born in November it emerged he had been dating jockey turned television presenter Leonna Mayor – who was once dubbed the ‘world’s sexiest jockey’.
