- The moment the bottle smashed the car’s windscreen was caught on a dashcam
- Footage shows the car approaching a bridge before a man throws a glass bottle
- The force of the impact shatters the windscreen, driver struggles to control car
Shocking dashcam footage has emerged of the moment a bottle hurled from a bridge smashed a car’s windscreen.
Filmed from a car bought just a week and a half earlier, the video shows the driver approaching the bridge on Brisbane’s Riverside Expressway last month.
Just before the car reaches the bridge a pedestrian can be seen cocking his arm and throwing a glass bottle, which shatters the windscreen of the car.
Shocking dashcam footage has emerged of the moment a bottle hurled from a bridge smashed a car’s windscreen (circled in red is the man throwing the bottle)
The driver struggles the bring the vehicle under control after the bottle hits, but manages to avoid crashing or hitting other motorists.
‘Some grub threw a bottle off the bridge and struck my parents’ 1.5 week old car,’ said Pepe, who submitted the video to Dash Cam Owners Australia.
The irresponsible act provoked anger from viewers, some of whom called for the bottle-thrower to be charged with a serious crime.
‘I’d [be] trying them for attempted murder and getting CCTV of the bridge,’ said one Facebook user.

Filmed from a car bought just a week and a half earlier, the video shows the driver approaching the bridge on Brisbane’s Riverside Expressway last month (pictured is the car approaching the bridge)
Others said that would be too serious an offence, suggesting a lesser charge would be warranted.
Some feared the incident could lead to fences being installed on bridges and pedestrian overpasses.
‘And now Brisbane will get the ugly fully-enclosing steel cages over all bridges and overpasses that cross roads,’ one person wrote.
‘They haven’t put a fence up there yet……what the hell,’ said someone else.
‘Thought all bridges with pedestrians going over another road had high fences these days.’

Just before the car reaches the bridge a pedestrian can be seen cocking his arm and throwing a glass bottle, which shatters the windscreen of the car (pictured is the aftermath of the incident)