Muscle pain caused by a rigorous exercise routine, working too much, and fever can be relieved either by oral medication, topical cream, or home treatments. However, before moving to chemical treatments, why not resort to natural pain relievers first?
This list below is proven ways to be effective in relieving sore muscle that you can do right now.
There are several poses that alleviate muscle soreness and these are:
- Wide-legged forward pose
- Cobra pose
- Extended baby pose
- Spinal twist (seated and standing)
- Warrior pose
- Cat pose
- Standing forward pose
Yoga stretches your muscle and releases tension. It targets different parts of your body as well as help you recover from an intensive exercise or extreme bodywork that may have caused the soreness. It is a tradition in the yoga practice to have an empty stomach before and after working out. To maximize the results of your yoga session, do not eat one hour before the exercise and another one hour after the exercise.
Ice Massage
Get an ice pack and start massaging it onto the sore muscle in a circular motion. Do this for about 20 minutes. Scientifically, this is called, cold therapy. Ice can numb nerve endings and decrease inflammation. It acts as anesthetic, treats swells, and reduces pain. Cold therapy can also be used if you have an injury; however, doctors advise that this is only effective within 48 hours. Ask your doctor if pain still persists.
Apply Heat
This is a more popular approach than the latter. Putting a hot pack onto the tensed and sore muscle promotes blood flow and oxygen as well as reduces muscle pain. It relaxes muscles and improves circulation, which therefore eliminates the accumulation of lactic acid waste due to an intense exercise. Heat agitates sensory receptors of your skin and slows down the pain signals being transmitted to the brain. Do not apply extreme heat as it will make the inflammation and the pain even worse.
CBD Freeze
CBD Freeze is a great product for sore and painful muscles. It has a roll-on applicator making it even easier to apply to your affected area. This product actually mimics cold therapy, improving blood flow and therefore relieves inflammation. It contains hemp extracts and other natural anti-inflammatory components such as tea tree oil, and the extracts of Aloe Vera and Arnica Montana.
Get a Massage
Nothing beats the good old massage. For centuries, there was not enough reason why a massage relieves pain. However, a study made by Dr. Mark A. Tarnopolsky proves that massage releases cytokines, which cause muscle soreness. It also stimulates mitochondria, thereby improving cell repair, recovery, and function.
Power Nap
Power naps only take 10 to 20 minutes of sleep. It is called power nap because if you do it properly, a 20-minute sleep is similar to what you can get from 8 hours of sleep. It restores and repairs damaged cells and leave the unpleasant feeling of tired muscles.