A man was tied up naked in a shed for two days and told to eat dog food after fleeing from a member of a traveller family he was working for, a court heard.
John Anderson said his alleged ordeal also had him screaming for his life after a young boy was ordered to light his petrol soaked body.
Jurors heard claims the 43 year-old had earlier escaped from James McPhee and left Scotland for Oxfordshire.
But, he was found and returned north where he was then allegedly battered and ‘taught a lesson’ by McPhee’s father Robert.
A man was tied up naked in a shed for two days and told to eat dog food after fleeing from a member of a traveller family he was working for, the High Court in Glasgow heard
Mr Anderson said he was later dumped in the metal shed – where children also apparently came in and urinated on him.
He was giving evidence at the trial of James McPhee, 45, Robert McPhee, 65, Steven McPhee, 37 and 38-year-old John Miller.
The four face a total of 30 charges between them at the High Court in Glasgow.
The accusations – which span between 1992 and 2016 – include slavery and violence.
The four deny the allegations.
Mr Anderson had been homeless in 1998 when he was offered labouring work by James McPhee.
He stayed on a caravan site and carried out jobs such as mono-blocking driveways.
But, the alleged victim told how McPhee could be violent towards him ‘whenever he was unhappy’.
The alleged assaults including being punched, kicked and hit with a pick axe handle.
Mr Anderson said he was ‘scared’ to leave – but went with another worker to a house in Paisley, Renfrewshire.
But, the trial heard James and his brother Steven McPhee found him despite trying to hide in a wardrobe.
He was taken to a site in Bathgate, West Lothian.
However, Mr Anderson later left again – this time with a fellow worker heading for England.
The men managed to ‘skip’ a train without paying to Berwick before they got a lift from a trucker to Banbury in Oxfordshire.
Mr Anderson initially got a barman’s job – but then got a word that someone had come to the house he had been staying at.
He recalled: ‘I left the pub because I was scared of getting found by James McPhee.
‘I walked along the canal the whole day… the intention was just to get away. I was terrified.
‘I found a yard that had a static caravan and slept there for the night.’
Mr Anderson briefly returned to Banbury to collect his wages before going to a homeless shelter in Cambridge.
He told how he met a fellow Scot there and he offered to buy him a pint at a local pub.
Mr Anderson said he was left in ‘shock’ when James McPhee walked in.
The witness told the jury: ‘He knew that I was there because the boy (Mr Anderson was with) had taken a picture of me and sent it to him.’
Mr Anderson said he was ‘scared’ but left for Scotland in McPhee’s Mercedes 4×4.
He recalled they ended up in Larkhall, Lanarkshire where McPhee lived.
Mr Anderson said it was there he was taken into his house and Robert McPhee – nicknamed the Tank Commander – was also inside.
The witness stated: ‘James told me that it was time to meet his dad. I knew what he meant. I was to get a beating.’
Mr Anderson said he was to be ‘taught a lesson’ not to ‘run away’ again.
He described how he was allegedly attacked in the kitchen by Robert McPhee – known as Bobby – and ended up grounded.
The man said he was punched ‘all over’, hit with a broom and kicked.
Prosecutor Kath Harper asked: ‘How strong was Bobby?’
He replied: ‘A very, very strong man. He is a tank.’
Miss Harper: ‘Did you say anything?’
Mr Anderson: ‘I will never do it again… stop, please. I thought I was going to die.
‘I thought that this was going to be the end.’
He added: ‘I was curled up in a ball…I was not looking. In this situation, you block it out and wait for it to finish.’
Mr Anderson then told how he ended up being put in a metal shed where a dog slept.
He remembered it being winter – but he was told to strip, had his hands and feet tied with rope and left inside.
The court heard James McPhee came the next morning with a young child.
Mr Anderson recalled feeling ‘cold, sore, tired and desperate’.
The court heard the man had no food or water.
Mr Anderson told jurors: ‘James asked was I hungry. He said that if I was hungry enough, I could eat the dog food.
‘I did not get any water. He said: ‘drink my p***.’
The trial heard Mr Anderson also had petrol poured over him from ‘head to toe’.
The witness went on: ‘He told the boy to light the lighter and burn me.
‘The boy lit it and came towards me. I was hysterical. I thought he was going to set fire to me.
‘I pleaded ‘don’t do it’. I said: ‘I won’t do it again. I have learned my lesson’.’
Mr Anderson was not set alight before McPhee and the child left.
Miss Harper asked: ‘What were you feeling at that stage?’
He replied: ‘I wished he had lit it.’
Mr Anderson recalled two children also coming to the shed and urinating on him.
He remembered the youngsters ‘being under 10’.
The advocate depute: ‘How long in total were you in the shed?’
Mr Anderson: ‘Two days. I was frightened and delirious.’
He told the court he was let out and ‘trying to get myself together’.
The trial, before Lady Stacey, continues.
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