- New SNL took shots at both Trump-obsessed liberal media and Steve Bannon
- Bill Murray made surprise appearance to portray the former Trump advisor
- Fred Armisen played author Michael Wolff as flippant about the truth
- Cast member Leslie Jones played Oprah in both cold open and Weekend Update
Saturday Night Live has returned in the new year with the debut of Bill Murray portraying Steve Bannon in a jam-packed cold open.
Saturday night’s cold open took shots at Morning Joe co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski as well, portraying them as deranged with indignation at President Donald Trump.
Kate McKinnon’s Brzezinski and Alex Moffat’s Scarborough interviewed Fire And Fury author Michael Wolff, portrayed by Fred Armisen.
Asked what he left out of his sensational White House tell-all, the Wolff character replied ‘baby races’.
‘There were baby races. Trump would ask to have two babies placed in his office, usually of different races. Someone would put a bowl of Goldfish crackers at the other side of the room. Trump would say, “A thousand bucks on the black one”,’ he said.