So this season: Spinach & stilton mushrooms with rosemary
FIRST MAKE THE FILLING Have ready 8 flat-cap mushrooms. Peel and finely chop 1 banana shallot. Trim the mushroom stalks level with the cups, and finely slice these. Melt 25g butter in a large saucepan over a medium heat and fry the shallot and sliced mushroom stalks for a couple of minutes until softened and starting to colour. Add 400g young spinach, cover and cook for about 5 minutes until wilted, stirring halfway through. Season with salt and pepper and continue to cook with the lid off so excess liquid evaporates.
ROAST YOUR MUSHROOMS Preheat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Splash a little olive oil over the base of a roasting dish that will hold the mushrooms in a single layer, and scatter over a few small rosemary sprigs. Place the mushroom cups in the dish, season them generously and divide about 100g crème fraîche among them (about 1 tsp each). Coarsely chop the spinach in the pan, fold in 100g diced stilton or roquefort (without rind), and divide the mixture among the mushrooms. Pull off and scatter over a few rosemary needles, drizzle over a little more oil and bake for 25-30 minutes until sizzling.
SERVE THEM UP Scatter over some extra small spinach leaves, if wished. These are good with a salad of watercress or on rustic buttered toast. Also as a side for steak.