So this season: Super root & onion soup with curry spices
FIRST PREP YOUR VEG Peel and finely chop 2 garlic cloves. Trim and slice 2 leeks. Chop 400g each (peeled weights) of carrots and swedes. Peel and chop 1 onion.
INTO THE PAN Melt 50g unsalted butter in a large pan over a low heat. Add the onion, leeks, carrots and swede, sprinkle over 1 tsp sea salt and fry for 30 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent the vegetables colouring. Stir in the garlic, followed by 1 rounded tsp Indonesian curry powder (or curry of your choice and ½ tsp turmeric) a few minutes before the end. Add 1.1 litres vegetable stock (or chicken stock), bring to the boil and simmer over a low heat for 15 minutes. Purée the soup in batches in a blender, add a squeeze of lemon juice then taste to check the seasoning.
SERVE IT UP Ladle the soup hot into warm bowls, adding a swirl of yoghurt and a spoonful of mango chutney, if wished, and a scattering of small mint leaves.