The judge presiding over Larry Nassar’s sentencing hearing is being lauded on social media for how she she is handling the proceedings.
Judge Rosemarie Aquilina has opened up the hearing to an unlimited number of victim impact statements, allowing those who have charged Nassar with sexually abusing them the chance to speak on the record. More than 50 have spoken so far.
Many who have been following the case at home have been impressed by Judge Aquilina for showing patience and compassion to the victims, as well as having a no-nonsense attitude toward Nassar — and they’ve voiced their approval on Twitter.
Props: Judge Rosemarie Aquilina is earning high praise on social media

Guilty: She is presiding over the sentencing hearing of former Team USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, who pleaded guilty to sexual misconduct

Fans: Many on Twitter have called the judge ‘amazing’ for her kind words and patience

‘I am impressed with your genuine kindness to each and every survivor in your court this week,’ wrote one

Lauded: ‘Judge Aquilina is incredible for letting this happen and supporting all these women,’ wrote one

Open: The judge has opened up the floor to any woman who would like to give a victim impact statement

High stakes: Nassar has been accused by 140 girls and women of sexual abuse

Will be heard: So far, 120 have reached out and expressed an interest in giving a statement
In November, Nassar pleaded guilty to criminal sexual conduct. On Tuesday, his sentencing hearing began, with Judge Aquilina presiding.
One after one, gymnast have stood up to deliver victim impact statements. More than 140 women and girls have accused Nassar of abusing them, and initially the Michigan Attorney General’s Office (which prosecuted Nassar) said it expected 88 to deliver statements.
When the hearing began, Judge Aquilina said she expected the statements to last until Friday — but has since noted that 120 women have asked to read statements, and the hearing would be extended through Tuesday.
And many men and women on social media are thrilled to see her giving each alleged victim a voice.
‘The women who have spoken out against Larry Nassar are brave, beautiful heroes. And Judge Aquilina is a damn queen,’ tweeted one New York woman, echoing the sentiments of many others who have posted.
‘Judge Aquilina is incredible for letting this happen and supporting all of these women,’ tweeted another.

Where to begin: On Thursday, Judge Aquilina spent ten minutes responding to asix-page, single-spaced complaint Nassar filed

All for it: Twitter users loved her no-nonsense response

Not so: The judge chided him for accusing her of turning the hearing into a media circus

The nerve: He complained that listing to victim statements was detrimental to his mental health

Seriously? Many people were shocked that he would try to garner sympathy

No way: They were happy the judge did not let him get off without a lecture

Thumbs up: Several wanted to give her awards for being ‘bada**’ and ‘awesome’
A third wrote: ‘I love that Judge Aquilina has been so supportive to all the survivors who have been brave enough to speak their truth in the presence of Nassar and the world. I can only imagine how much her kind and empowering words mean to all those courageous women!’
Several have called her ‘awesome,’ ‘amazing,’ and a ‘hero’ for giving each one a chance to speak and turning the spotlight on this issue.
‘The Judge handling the Larry Nassar trial and victim impact statements is utterly amazing. Would love to give her a hug one day for her kind words to the survivors,’ wrote one.
Nassar himself, of course, was not quite as approving of the decision to allow so many impact statements.
On Thursday, the disgraced doctor submitted a letter to the court in which he wrote that Judge Rosemarie Aquilina was conducting a ‘four-day media circus’ for her own gain, and claimed that ‘listening to impact statements is detrimental to his mental health.’

Decade: Judge Rosemarie Aquilina of the 30th Circuit Court for Ingham County was elected in 2008

Yes! Many on social media are glad all of the women are getting a chance to speak

You go, girl! Some used GIFs to express their appreciation

Approval: ‘Love this judge!’ wrote several fans

Misdirected missive: Nassar accused Judge Aquilina of using his sentencing for her own gain in a letter written earlier this week (above)
‘She wants me to sit in the witness box next to her for all four days so the media cameras will be directed toward her,’ Nassar wrote in his six-page, single-spaced complaint.
Judge Aquilina took the time to address the letter, telling Nassar that his words were ‘delusional’ and chiding: ‘I didn’t orchestrate this, you did.’
‘You may find it harsh that you are here listening. But nothing is as harsh than what your victims endured for thousands of hours at your hands,’ she said. ‘Spending four or five days listening to them is significantly minor considering the hours of pleasure you’ve had at their expense and ruining their lives.’
Her new Twitter fans were especially impressed by her shut-down of Nassar.
‘Can judges win awards for being awesome. I’d like to nominate this judge if so,’ wrote one.
‘These young women earned the right to address the court regarding the impact of his abuse. Bravo to this judge for reminding Mr. Nassar of that,’ wrote another.

Dumb: Larry Nassar (above on Thursday with his lawyer) said in a letter submitted to Judge Aquilina on Thursday that ‘listening to impact statements is detrimental to his mental health’

Surprise: On Friday, Olympian Aly Raisman delivered a victim impact statement

Speaking up: Fellow Olympian Jordyn Wieber also spoke, and a statement was delivered on Mckayla Maroney’s behalf
‘I am so grateful the judge on this case will not take any cr*p from Nassar. If we’re going to have a web of stupid award we also need to have a Bada** Woman award for Judge Aqullina,’ said a third.
Yet another chimed in: ‘Judge Aquilina was spot-on and detailed in her response to convicted Nassar. Love this judge!!’
Judge Aquilina’s full retort is still earning her fans a day later as more read the transcript and watch videos.
‘This isn’t worth the paper it’s written on, there’s no truth in there, it’s delusional,’ she began, pointing out that Nassar signed off on this when he accepted a plea deal.
‘I didn’t orchestrate this, you did,’ she reminded Nassar.
She also referred to his words as ‘mumbo jumbo’ during her ten-minute response to Nassar’s mental health concerns, before pointing out that he got off easier than the women in that courtroom.
Nassar then got even more bad news when Judge Aquilina reminded him that 125 women were offered the chance to speak and said she would extend the hearing for as long as it took for each of those victims to deliver their impact statements.

No smiles: ‘I remember your obnoxious laugh,’ said Jamie Dantzscher, who also gave a statement. ‘I don’t see you laughing now’

Let me clear my throat: Lindsey Lemke (above) took the podium to address some of Nassar’s enablers, delivering an impassioned indictment of the doctor’s friends and employers
Judge Aquilina also found some time for humor while addressing Nassar’s complaint, with the serial predator sitting silently in the witness stand as she spoke.
‘Now this is entertaining to me,’ she said at one point, before reading from Nassar’s letter. ‘”Aquilina said if I pass out she’ll have the EMTs revive me and prop me up in the witness box.”‘
The judge took a beat and paused before looking at Nassar and saying: ‘I suspect you have watched too much television. It’s delusional. You need to talk about these issues with a therapist and that’s not me.’
She then moved on to his next grievance, reading: ‘Aquilina is allowing them all to talk. She wants me to sit in the witness box next to her for all four days so the media cameras will be directed at her.’
Judge Aquilina looked at Nassar in disbelief, before responding: ‘I don’t have a dog in this fight, sir. I didn’t want even one victim to lose their voice.’
It was also revealed while Judge Aquilina was going through the letter that court adjourned early on Wednesday, so Nassar could receive treatment from mental health professionals.