Spanish police hunt man who abandoned puppy by impaling it on fence

Police hunt cruel man seen impaling a puppy as he callously abandoned it by throwing it over a spiked fence into an animal shelter in Spain

  • Man abandoned his puppy by hurling it over the fence of an animal rescue centre
  • The months-old Fox Terrier Cross became impaled on a fence spike and died  
  • The puppy was found dead by rescue staff and had bled to death from its injuries

A man who abandoned his months-old puppy by hurling it over the fence of an animal rescue centre where it became impaled on one of the spikes and died in a pool of blood is being hunted by police.    

The man was filmed parking his car outside the centre, where he picked the Fox Terrier Cross up by the scruff of its neck before throwing it high into the air in a callous attempt to abandon it.

CCTV footage showed how the dog ended up on one of the spikes at the top of the entrance gate and fell to the ground by his vehicle during the man’s first attempt. 

The man was filmed parking his car outside the centre, (pictured)  where he picked the Fox Terrier Cross up by the scruff of its neck before throwing it high into the air 

The burly man simply ignored the animal’s suffering and plucked him from the floor to successfully throw him into the rescue centre back yard.

The distressing video appeared to show the dog – said to be six to eight months old – getting onto its feet shaken but unharmed.

But it later emerged the animal had bled to death. It was found dead by rescue centre staff with a stomach wound caused when it landed on the top of the gate during the first unsuccessful attempt to abandon it.

The incident happened at a centre called Asproan in San Roman de la Llanilla near the northern Spanish port city of Santander.

The local Civil Guard’s Nature Protection Service SEPRONA has confirmed it is investigating.

The dog died shortly after it was abandoned at around 5.30pm on August 8.

A spokesman for Asproan Santander said in a statement: ‘We want to ask for your help in publicising this video so we can track down the savage who did this to a poor little puppy.

A man abandoned his months-old puppy by hurling it over the fence of an animal rescue centre (pictured) where it became impaled on one of the spikes and died in a pool of blood 

A man abandoned his months-old puppy by hurling it over the fence of an animal rescue centre (pictured) where it became impaled on one of the spikes and died in a pool of blood 

The distressing video shows the man walking up to the fence (left) and then throwing the dog high into the air (right) where it gets onto its feet shaken but unharmed

The distressing video shows the man walking up to the fence (left) and then throwing the dog high into the air (right) where it gets onto its feet shaken but unharmed

The distressing video shows the man walking up to the fence (left) and then throwing the dog high into the air (right) where it gets onto its feet shaken but unharmed

‘In the images you can see how he throws him over the fence and the animal ends up impaled on one of the spikes before the man hurls him into the air again.

‘The end result was that we found this puppy aged between six and eight months dead in a pool of blood with a gaping hole in its stomach.

‘We need to find the person responsible for this cowardly and miserable act so he feels the full force of the law and everyone knows what a repugnant person he is.

‘Please inform SEPRONA if you have any clues as to who he could be.

‘He has been reported to the police and SEPRONA are doing everything they can to identify him.’

One local who watched the footage branded the man a ‘son of a b***h.’

Karmele Abascal added: ‘How can someone do this? I’m really horrified. Someone who behaves like this has to be punished.’

