Nowadays, a large number of people have a job where they have to spend a whole day in front of a computer. Maybe this is not the case with you. Perhaps you need to lift heavy items at your work. If you do some of these things, back pain might burden you. Let’s face it, not all people pay attention to maintaining good posture and still many of us are not physically active at all, when we should be. Back pain is not a rare phenomenon, but if you’re dealing with it, you can learn how to relieve it or make it completely disappear.
Less TV and computer time for you
Ditch sitting in front of a TV or computer a lot if you want to help yourself with your back pain problem! If you can’t step away from the screen because of your job, this can’t be applied to you. However, sit at your computer only at work, if possible. If your job doesn’t require any computer time, you are in a better position, because you can decide how much time you want to spend staring at your laptop while watching your favorite TV show. There are so many great activities, way more productive than doing that. Pick something you feel like doing and stick to it, rather than running to your PC every time you feel bored. Well, PC or TV. Stay away from both of them whenever you can!
Comfort and ergonomics are crucial
If you already have to spend eight to ten hours daily in front of a computer, at least you can do everything to make it as comfortable as possible. First of all, take breaks often and don’t spend them still looking at the PC. Have a walk or stretch, do anything but sit and check out new YouTube clips. You need a quality chair with good lower back support. Also, keep your elbows close to your body while typing, and your forearms and wrists should be parallel to the floor. It’s of great significance that your workspace is back-friendly.
Appropriate sleeping positions
You would think that maintaining proper posture’s only important while sitting and walking, but this is not the case. How you sleep also affects your back and spine. Some sleeping positions are more harmful than others, so you need to pay attention to your sleep, because it’s also responsible for your back health. Try out the fetal position, for it’s said to be the best if you’re facing lower back pain. To keep your spine aligned, use a small pillow under your neck and between your legs. The quality of the mattress is important too.
See a doctor
Whenever you feel any kind of pain, it’s always a good idea to consult a professional. Not many people do this, which is sometimes acceptable because they don’t have to. The pain goes away by itself. However, those who aren’t lucky enough and feel pain constantly know what to do – seeing a doctor is a must! If your back is troubling you, you can always turn to the experts in this field such as Dr Timothy Steel. If you have unrelenting pain radiating down an arm or leg, fever, chills, night sweats and if you have lost weight, don’t waist a second and make an appointment right away.
Consider the little things
If you’re a woman, you know the importance of a jumbo bag. You can use it to put all sorts of things there, from hand cream to an umbrella. Women tend to put a lot of items in their bags and purses, and they don’t even need most of them. This is wrong, and it can also be the cause of back pain. Also, when we have a heavy backpack, we should wear it on both shoulders, not just one. And when we want to pick something up, instead of bending and using our back, we should rather use our knees. These are the little things that can still cause a lot of damage.
No pain is pleasant and, in many cases, it makes us feel bad and incapable of doing things. Back pain is dreadful as well. However, we don’t need to do things that cause it and if we already have it, we can follow these several pieces of advice. Luckily, pain can always be relieved or we can make it go away for good!