A baby humpback whale, a flame-haired Norwegian and the starry sky above a desert are among winning photos in a prestigious international contest.
Judges picked out 11 stunning images from among 30,000 entrants submitted for the awards, run by Swedish camera manufacturers Hasselblad.
Winners, from nine different countries around the world, included a picture of a bride in a flowing wedding dress embracing her new husband and an elderly couple holding hands as they walk past a housing block.
Photographers will pick up their awards at a ceremony in Cologne, Germany this September.
Swedish camera manufacturers Hasselblad have announced the winners of their biannual photography contest. This stunning image of a flame-haired Norwegian woman, taken by Tina Signesdottir Hult, from Torvastad, Norway, took top spot in the portrait category

Among the winners was photographer Maria Svarbova, from Bratislava, Slovakia, who captured this image of an elderly couple walking past a housing block. Top photos were chosen through a combination of a public vote and a professional Masters Jury which included internationally renowned photographers and imaging experts

Winners included this breathtaking image of a baby humpback whale. It was captured by Hawaii-based photographer Karim Iliya and tool top spot in the prestigious photography competition’s wildlife category. Iliya says he uses freediving to explore and document the underwater world and the creatures that live within it

In the wedding category, Victor Hamkem, from Leipzig, Germany, took the award for this photograph of a bride in a flowing white dress embracing her new husband

The street/urban category was won by Australian photographer Ben Thomas for this colourful image of a man and woman standing by a diner on the edge of a boardwalk and at the entrance to an amusement park

Atmospheric: Judges picked out this twinkling image of a tree in a desert under a starry sky as the winner of the landscape category. It was captured by Benjamin Everett from Lopez Island, USA

Photographer Jorge de la Torriente, frrom Miami, USA, took top spot in the ‘aerial’ category for this image showing people making use of four rows of pink and white umbrellas and sun loungers in the summer sun

Photographer Kamilla Hanapova picked up the architecture award for this stark monochrome image of a towerblock. Judges picked out 11 stunning images from among 30,000 entrants submitted for the awards, run by Swedish camera manufacturers Hasselblad

Marcin Gizycki, from Warsaw, Poland, won the ‘product’ category for this picture. Photographers will pick up their awards at a ceremony in Cologne, Germany this September

Michal Baran, from Trim in Ireland, won the beauty and fashion category in the biannual Hasselblad Masters Awards for this stunning image of a blonde model

Nabil Rosman, from Kota Bharu, Malaysia, was another category winner for this image of a shirtless man with his back turned and facing a wall. Judges said they were struck by ‘how far the entrants were willing to push the brief’