Surgeon who works day and night to help women in pain

Nominated: Urogynaecologist Sohier Elneil works tirelessly for her many patients

Ask urogynaecologist Sohier Elneil when she last had a proper holiday and she falls silent as she tries to work it out.

‘Three, no, I think it was four years ago,’ she says hesitantly.

It’s not that she couldn’t do with one — as a full-time consultant in the NHS at University College London Hospital, 12-hour days are routine.

But while all but emergency surgery is normally abandoned at the weekends, Miss Elneil can often be found scrubbing up and getting ready to operate on even non-emergency cases on Saturdays or Sundays.

‘I am very tired,’ she admits. ‘But if I go on a long break, it means more women might be left waiting in pain, and I can’t have that.’

It comes as little surprise to learn that her patients refer to her as ‘the angel’. ‘It’s a shame we can’t clone her on account of her empathy alone — I have never met a surgeon like her,’ is how one patient describes Miss Elneil.

She specialises in treating women’s problems, such as prolapse and urinary incontinence, but in 2004 her work took a new path when a patient was referred to her complaining of crippling pelvic pain.

‘I asked her when had it all started, and she said: “It was when they put this tape in to help with incontinence,” ’ says Miss Elneil. She investigated and found that the tape, a kind of plastic mesh, had disintegrated.

After complex surgery to remove it, the patient’s pain was gone and she was able to return to normal life.

Miss Elneil has since performed more than 250 similar operations on women given the mesh — known as tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) — which stop leaks by acting as a hammock to support the bladder.

Though it is successful in many women, in some, the mesh has broken up, causing bleeding, pain and even perforating organs.

‘I think the most harrowing case was a lawyer I saw last year who was in absolute agony from the moment she had the tape inserted, and by the time I saw her, just six weeks later, she was talking about suicide because she couldn’t live with what her life had become,’ says Miss Elneil. ‘She was bent doubt with pain and had to abandon all her work.

‘As I was operating on her, I could see the tape was embedded into the tissues and there was ulceration in places — doing the surgery was not nice.

‘I kept thinking: “How did it get this bad in six weeks?”. Cases like this keep me going — why in this day and age women should be suffering so makes me very angry.’

Two's company: Patient Lynne Sharman (R) and her nominated Health Hero,  Miss Sohier Elneil, who specialises in taking out Vaginal Mesh implants

Two’s company: Patient Lynne Sharman (R) and her nominated Health Hero,  Miss Sohier Elneil, who specialises in taking out Vaginal Mesh implants

For a long time, she was one of only two surgeons in the country offering this surgery, says Carl Heneghan, a professor of evidence-based medicine at Oxford University, who has appeared alongside Miss Elneil before a parliamentary committee investigating the mesh.

‘When she started, she was going against the mainstream, which insisted that there was nothing wrong — but she had the moral view that she had to respond to what these women were saying and do something. But she isn’t only compassionate, she is also a very skilled clinician.

‘The surgery she does is intricate and complex — the mesh can get infected and embedded in the vagina, the bowel, anywhere, and it’s a very delicate operation to try to remove it — there aren’t many people who could do it, or even attempt to do it.’

Professor Heneghan, who recently communicated with Baroness Julia Cumberlege, the chair of an official review into the mesh, compares the situation to the Thalidomide scandal.

‘That’s because the Thalidomide scandal lead to a change in the way we look at drug regulation and drug trials. And the same is happening now with medical devices such as mesh — people now realise we need more evidence when we bring them on to the market and Sohier has played her part in raising that awareness.’

For the women themselves, it can feel like she’s the only one on their side. Because by the time they get to see Miss Elneil, they will often have been in pain for years. Adding insult to injury, some have been told their symptoms were all in their head.

‘And then you walk into Miss Elneil’s consulting room and she is so calm and takes you seriously,’ says Arlene Simmons, 66, who had a TVT inserted in 2002.

‘She is so full of warmth. When I came out of my first consultation with her I was crying — for all that I had lost, but also now at last I had a way forward, a chance to regain my old life.’

Dedicated: Even after the patients have been discharged, Miss Elneil keeps in touch, getting her team of nurses to call former patients to check they are doing OK

Dedicated: Even after the patients have been discharged, Miss Elneil keeps in touch, getting her team of nurses to call former patients to check they are doing OK

Mother-of-three Arlene, from Larne in Northern Ireland, is now on the waiting list to have the tape removed after 15 years of ‘agony’ — ‘ever since I came round from the op’.

Despite the pain and her constant urinary tract infections, the original surgeon said there was nothing wrong. Meanwhile, the incontinence it was meant to treat returned, forcing her to give up her job at a building society.

It was through a Facebook group that she came across other women who had also been affected and who were lining up to sing Miss Elneil’s praises.

‘Most surgeons take their holiday and go home at night and forget about you — Miss Elneil never forgets,’ says Arlene, who is married to Christopher, a retired manager.

‘We have a lady whose local authority refused to fund a referral for the mesh removal, and Miss Elneil emails her to check she’s OK, and tells her she is doing what she can to help persuade the authority to change its mind and urges her to keep on fighting for it.

‘Another lady I’m in touch with told me she had booked in for surgery with Miss Elneil on the NHS on a Sunday.

‘I said: “No one has scheduled surgery on a Sunday — you must have your dates wrong.”

‘But I was wrong — sure enough, Miss Elneil was operating on a Sunday. This particular lady didn’t go down to theatre until 6pm in the evening as the surgery before had been more difficult than planned.

‘As a result, she didn’t come out of theatre until 8.30pm and Miss Elneil was back in surgery on Monday morning.’

Even after the patients have been discharged, Miss Elneil keeps in touch, getting her team of nurses to call former patients to check they are doing ok.

‘Miss Elneil doesn’t just operate and go — she came to see me three times in my four days on the ward, at all times of the night and day, and was so kind,’ says Lynne Sharman, 62, who had the surgery nine weeks ago after seven years of constant pain.

‘Right from day one of the operation to fit the tape, it felt as though someone was stabbing around my pelvis with a screwdriver,’ says Lynne, who is from Reading and is married to retired investment director John.

‘Yet when I went back a few weeks later, the surgeon said he was very pleased with how the operation went, and that I would get used to the pain.’

‘But I couldn’t work in the garden, walk the dog, do the housework — bending, lifting, running; it was all out.

‘What I find so impressive is about Miss Elneil is that she really cares and has had the courage to stand up to the medical establishment.’

Indeed, while her work has brought plaudits from patients, Miss Elneil has encountered hostility from other health professionals for raising concerns about the mesh, when for a long time the conventional view was that the mesh couldn’t be the cause of any problems.

‘At times it has been unpleasant, people don’t like to have their work questioned,’ says Miss Elneil.

‘It’s very difficult to stand firm when you are going against a swathe of colleagues. The pressure is to cave in and go with the mainstream viewpoint, but she didn’t,’ adds Professor Heneghan.

‘I know people have had a go at her — they have used various ruses to try to downplay her achievements or undermine what she does — and I’m sure it hurts — but it doesn’t stop her.’

Late last year, Miss Elneil co-authored a report published in Scientific Reports — Nature outlining for the first time the extent of the problem, finding that 10 per cent of the 10,000 to 15,000 women who have been given the mesh each year in the UK end up with serious complications.

‘It took me and my six co-authors four years to work on that paper and get the data right, and it really put the cat among the pigeons,’ she says.

‘It gave us evidence for the first time that, yes, this tape can cause problems.’

And as the Mail reports today, Baroness Cumberlege has now called for an immediate suspension of vaginal mesh surgery for stress incontinence at NHS hospitals — until a series of conditions can be met.

It is a vindication of the women affected, and of the work of Miss Elneil.

But there are still many women who need surgery to remove the tape.

Miss Elneil says: ‘I’ve now operated on more than 250 of these women and it’s a really hard surgery because the mesh gets embedded in the muscles and everywhere.

‘Even though we scan our patients, you never know what you will find until you open the lady up — and sometimes it can be quite upsetting.

‘To be honest, on occasions I feel bereft because I feel so emotional about it; you realise how much this woman must have been suffering.

‘And there are a lot of women in this position. The numbers on my waiting list are overwhelming and are backing up into February,’ says Miss Elneil, who has been a surgeon for more than 26 years.

For her to operate at a weekend requires a certain amount of arm-twisting with the powers that be at her hospital. ‘I’m very lucky at UCLH [University College London Hospital] — the minute I want to do an extra list at the weekend, most of my theatre staff and the anaesthetists I work with will volunteer to work with me, which is pretty amazing, as they are giving up what would be time off.

‘But obviously the trust has to fund the running of the theatre and the staff’s time, so while they agree to it most of the time, I can’t always do it.’

As well as operating round the clock, at the weekends she also slots in sessions to train other surgeons in the intricacies of removing the mesh.

‘I have to hand this on, it’s an important part of job so we can help more women.’

With so much going on in her life, Miss Elneil, who has a stepdaughter aged 20, admits that it’s often her lawyer husband, whom she’s known since childhood, who has to run the household.

‘He is very good and looks after lots of things for me — I’d be lost without him.’

But all this work means little time for a social life.

‘Luckily, my husband has always been very understanding and has given me the freedom to do what I needed to do.’

It was another man in her life, her father — himself a doctor — who first encouraged her to devote herself to the health of women. She grew up in Africa and trained initially in Zimbabwe.

As she prepared to start her career as a surgeon, her father, who had two other daughters, urged her: ‘Do something to help women.’

And at some personal cost, that’s exactly what she’s done.