Millionaire antivirus pioneer John McAfee has posted a bizarre video aimed at providing advice to Americans ‘who think a civil war might be on the horizon’ given the increasingly heated debate over gun control.
‘Hateful words on both sides of the gun issue. Is civil war coming? If so, here’s my advice to both sides,’ McAfee wrote in a tweet Thursday, accompanying a video in which he can be seen speaking from what appears to be a tin foil-covered room.
The 73-year-old, who claims to be wanted by the US government, starts the video off by stating that ‘If you’re anticipating civil war, I think I can help you.’
Antivirus pioneer John McAfee took to Twitter to reveal his advice about what liberal and conservative states should do if a civil war were to break out over gun control
McAfee revealed this map of red and blue states, but it’s unclear what criteria he had used to divide them up. He appeared to be speaking from a room covered in tin foil
He then holds up a map featuring red and blue states, although it’s unclear exactly what criteria McAfee used to split the states up.
McAfee’s begins his advice to West Coast, blue state liberals by telling them that they should ‘arm yourselves to the teeth with the latest Israeli weaponry,’ which are ‘vastly superior,’ because they are ‘vastly outnumbered in terms of guns’ by red staters.
He goes on to say that liberal Colorado and New Mexico are ‘surrounded, see if Mexico won’t annex you.’
He then dismisses the ‘Central north’ by saying that it’s ‘too damn cold, no one wants you’ and that the Northeast should say they’re ‘part of Canada’ as the other side ‘won’t know the f**king difference.’
As for Florida, which is labeled a blue state, ‘I suggest you change the state language to Spanish,’ McAfee says, while what seems to be the crinkling of tin foil can be heard in the background. ‘When the invaders look for el bano, can’t find one, they’ll go home.’
When a Twitter user asked if McAfee was joking about his advice, he said he was serious
In July, McAfee shared photos of himself shirtless while being detained in the Dominican Republic. He and his wife were arrested for sailing into the island with a boat-load of firearms
McAfee (left) also shared this picture of himself with a friend from his ‘jailhouse photo shoot’
McAfee tweeted out this picture of himself and his wife armed with rifles in July
After being released and leaving the Dominican Republic, McAfee shared a picture of the tin foil-covered, ‘ultra-secure’ hideout used by him and his wife
McAfee then switches over to his advice for red state conservatives — aka ‘the gun owners.’
To them, he says, ‘You should anticipate the West Coast is going to arm itself to the f**king teeth with the latest Israeli weapons. I suggest you preempt this by selling them your Daisy bb rifles and tell them they’re AR-15s they won’t know the f**king difference.’
Red staters, McAfee says, should also ‘ignore’ Colorado and New Mexico because they are ‘worthless land.’ He advises them to ‘sell it to Mexico.’
The central north, again, is deemed ‘too damn cold, you don’t want that,’ while the northeast should be ignored.
‘Finally, Florida,’ he says. ‘If you cannot sell it to Cuba, then blow the bridges and stock piranha in all the swaps. That’ll keep them busy until the war is over.’
McAfee signs off by say that he’s ‘impartial’ and wishes ‘good luck to both sides.’
When one Twitter user asked if McAfee’s advice is a joke, he tweeted back: ‘No. I was deadly serious throughout.’
In late July, McAfee said he was hiding out in an ‘ultra-secure facility’ — pictured with tin foil-covered walls — in Lithuania, having fled the Dominican Republic where authorities arrested him and his wife for sailing into the island with a boat-load of firearms.
McAfee was not detained by the US government and Dominican authorities allowed him to choose where he would be sent after they ensured the United States had no active legal cases or extradition requests for McAfee, his lawyer had said.
After being released from detention, McAfee shared photos of himself lying shirtless in his cell, joking that they were from his jailhouse photoshoot.
McAfee, who was born in 1945 at a US military base on British territory, has both nationalities and on Friday asked his Twitter followers whether he should campaign to be British prime minister.
He is also seeking the Libertarian Party’s nomination for U.S. president in 2020. He told Reuters in an interview he could help Cuba defeat the U.S. trade embargo by launching a cryptocurrency.
McAfee developed early internet security software and has been sought by authorities in the US and Belize in the past.