Teenage girl Lilly Hayes, 16, dies after Queensland Gunalda country road car crash

Teenage girl, 16, badly injured in horrific crash dies in hospital a week later

  • 16yo Lilly Hayes dies 18 days after car crash 
  • Her car crashed on Queensland rural road 
  • Driver of Lilly’s car was in a critical condition 

A family has been left devastated after their 16-year-old daughter died in hospital a week after she was involved in a two-vehicle smash. 

Lilly Hayes was one of two people critically injured when the blue sedan she was riding in smashed head-on with a white 4WD coming the other way on a rural road near the Queensland town of Gunalda at about 2.30pm Saturday, June 10.

Lilly was transported to the Brisbane Children’s Hospital, about 200km south, in a critical condition before dying on Friday.

A Gofundme was set up to help Lilly’s family while they remained by her bedside throughout the harrowing ordeal. 

‘It is with the heaviest of hearts that I have to write this update on Lilly’s condition,’ page creator Sherryn Wynne wrote. 

Lilly Hayes (pictured centre) has lost her life following a horrific car crash in rural Queensland 

‘Yesterday afternoon, surrounded by her loved ones, Lilly passed away.’ 

‘Meagan, David, Jacob, Seth and Emma are now grieving the loss of their daughter and sister.’

‘This is something that no parent should have to go through and it is just so devastating that her life has been cut so short. 

‘Our sassy little Lilly had the whole world ahead of her.’

The page said donated funds will go towards a celebration of Lilly’s life and ongoing support for the family.

Lilly attended the James Nash State High School in Gympie where she was described by Gympie mother Kirra Mills as ‘Such a loving caring young lady’. 

‘You helped Mia more than you will ever know. It was a pleasure having you over. Such beautiful manners,’ Ms Mills said in a Facebook comment. 

The smash occurred on a single lane dirt backroad about 200km north of Brisbane just over a week ago

The smash occurred on a single lane dirt backroad about 200km north of Brisbane just over a week ago

‘This beautiful family aren’t ones to reach out and ask for help,’ Ms Wynne wrote in the post.

‘They’re used to being on the other side and are always the first to offer help to those in need.’

One of the donors lost their 14-year-old son, Levi Hanna, when he was hit by a bus after stepping out of a bus in the same Gympie region as Lilly’s accident in February.

‘I know that our kind and light hearted Levi will help guide Lilly in this next journey . .. We Send all our love to you little Lilly,’ wrote Levi’s mother Lilly Zrehen.

The gofundme page had passed $5000 in pledges by Sunday afternoon. 

The driver of the car Lilly was in, a man in his 20s, was flown to the Royal Brisbane where he was last reported to be in a critical condition.

The blue sedan that Lilly and a man in his 20s were travelling in was left a twisted wreck after the crash

The blue sedan that Lilly and a man in his 20s were travelling in was left a twisted wreck after the crash

The six passengers in the 4WD were left ‘battered and bruised’ but escaped without serious injury.

Gold Coast mum Amellia Hartman who was driving the 4WD said the car’s front had smashed in but largely absorbed the crash’s impact.

She was horrified however to see her three-year-old toddler Charlotte walk up to check on Lilly, who was lying in the road.

‘That’s not something you want a three-year-old to experience,’ she said. 

Police were investigating the crash but said no charges have been laid. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk