The teenager set alight by her boyfriend two years ago still avoids petrol stations, is petrified to fill up her car and struggles with lighting a stove.
Brae Taylor Lewis faced Beenleigh District Court Friday for pouring a jerry can of petrol over his girlfriend, Kyesha Finemore, in Marsden, south of Brisbane, in May 2016.
In court, 19-year-old Ms Finemore read her impact statement aloud, detailing how she had been left permanently scarred not only physically, but emotionally.
Brae Lewis has pleaded guilty to dousing his girlfriend Kyesha Finemore in petrol before setting her alight in Marsden, south of Brisbane in May 2016

Burns covered almost her entire body, and after Lewis pleaded guilty Ms Finemore spoke out about her suffering
The brave teenager explained before the court, and Lewis, the ways her life had been changed forever since the horrific event, Nine News reported.
‘I wouldn’t leave the house because I was scared that people would stare at my scars or the compression suit,’ she told the court.
‘I avoid looking at old photos of myself … I prefer not to look in mirrors.
‘I struggle with some day-to-day tasks like lighting a gas stove. I’m petrified of putting petrol into my any vehicle so I avoid petrol stations as much as I can.’
‘This will stay with me for the rest of my life.’

Her mother Melissa Cooke said the ordeal has been ‘stressful’. Ms Finemore has used a Facebook page to post updates on her recovery

The brave teenager explained before the court, and Lewis, the ways her life had been changed forever since the horrific event
Ms Finemore suffered severe burns to her arms, legs and upper body, and woke up two days after the attack in Royal Brisbane Hospital.
Lewis’ defence claimed he thought the can of petrol was closed when he threw it at Ms Finemore, and that he didn’t intend to set her on fire.
He was convicted of malicious acts intended to cause grievous bodily harm on Friday after pleading guilty to the heinous crime.
Ms Finemore’s brother said his sister’s recovery would take a ‘lifetime’ and Lewis being convicted would only aid it in a small way.

The incident stemmed from an argument, with Lewis throwing petrol on Ms Finemore and setting her on fire

Ms Finemore’s brother, Robert (pictured), said his sister’s recovery would take a ‘lifetime’ and Lewis being convicted would only aid it in a small way