The Bachelor goes off with a bang during Nick Cummins’ wild premiere episode

As a former Wallabies rugby player, he is a star on the football field.

But Nick ‘Honey Badger’ Cummins was suited up for his new venture as The Bachelor during Wednesday night’s premiere episode.

With 25 suitors ahead of him, he was first introduced to 25-year-old Shannon, who let slip that she loved the athlete in an affectionate exchange.


'You are awesome. I love you!' Contestant Shannon (L) drops the L-word during VERY awkward first meeting with The Bachelor's Nick 'Honey Badger' Cummins (R)

‘You are awesome. I love you!’ Contestant Shannon (L) drops the L-word during VERY awkward first meeting with The Bachelor’s Nick ‘Honey Badger’ Cummins (R)

Nick was originally concerned about how he would be perceived by the stunners, questioning: ‘what are they going to make of a bloke like me?’

After greeting Shannon, who he complimented as ‘scrubbing up alright’,  he took her for a walk to cure the nerves. 

After a short conversation, she awkwardly confessed: ‘Oh, you are awesome. I love you!’

She confessed to producers afterwards: ‘I think I told him I loved him, but I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean it this early.’  

'I think I told him I loved him, but I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it this early': Shannon, 25, was quick to tell producers she didn't mean to let the L-word slip

‘I think I told him I loved him, but I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean it this early’: Shannon, 25, was quick to tell producers she didn’t mean to let the L-word slip


‘I’m so stoked! He’s great’: Indigenous youth worker Brooke walked in cradling two sports balls (AFL and rugby), but insisted she didn’t know Nick was a rugby player

The second lady walked in cradling two sports balls (AFL and rugby), but insisted she didn’t know Nick was a rugby player. 

Indigenous youth worker Brooke passed the ball back and forth with Nick, as she gushed over the man: ‘I’m so stoked! He’s great.’

Brittany, 30, came afterwards and figured out they went to the same preschool in Port Macquarie growing up. 

Showing their true characters! A slew of other suitors entered, including barefoot Bondi Rescue lifeguard Juliana (PICTURED) and giggly rivals Alisha and Aleksandra

Showing their true characters! A slew of other suitors entered, including barefoot Bondi Rescue lifeguard Juliana (PICTURED) and giggly rivals Alisha and Aleksandra

Showing their true characters! A slew of other suitors entered, including barefoot Bondi Rescue lifeguard Juliana (PICTURED) and giggly rivals Alisha and Aleksandra

Energy healer Cayla was quick to claim she had a psychic dream about Nick, and told him she’d brought a rose quartz to attract love and marriage.

‘Cayla is definitely one of a kind,’ Nick said after being told to sleep with a rock of his own during his time in the mansion.  

A mixture of other ladies had brief appearances on screen, including Tenille who smashed plates with Nick, Renee who brought a cake, and Kayla made ‘magic wishes’ with dust. 

They have a past! Blonde contestant Cassandra realised she'd already dated Nick while waiting in the limousine with two other rivals

They have a past! Blonde contestant Cassandra realised she’d already dated Nick while waiting in the limousine with two other rivals

Coming on too strong? Cassandra looked to put Nick on edge at the cocktail party as he said 'holy Moses' after she revealed her 'universe' plan involved falling in love with him

Coming on too strong? Cassandra looked to put Nick on edge at the cocktail party as he said ‘holy Moses’ after she revealed her ‘universe’ plan involved falling in love with him

Blonde contestant Cassandra realised she’d already dated Nick while waiting in the limousine with two other rivals.

The former Home And Away actress was initially nervous about how he’d react to her presence, but the pair hit it off and laughed off the coincidence.

Cassandra looked to put Nick on edge at the cocktail party as he said ‘holy Moses’ after she revealed her ‘universe’ plan involved falling in love with him.

The ladies believed the blonde was coming off too strong and ‘super keen’ towards Nick, as she kept a eagle eye on the hunk during the cocktail party.

A slew of other suitors entered, including barefoot Bondi Rescue lifeguard Juliana and giggly rivals Alisha and Aleksandra.  

X- rated arrival! Dasha placed her legs on top of Nick's shoulders after a handstand and then thrust herself up to his chest by performing crunches

X- rated arrival! Dasha placed her legs on top of Nick's shoulders after a handstand and then thrust herself up to his chest by performing crunches

X- rated arrival! Dasha placed her legs on top of Nick’s shoulders after a handstand and then thrust herself up to his chest by performing crunches

The next arrival to take Nick by surprise was Russian-born Dasha, 32, who was more than willing to show off her flexibility for the rugby star.

Taking off her heels for a gymnast move, she placed her legs on top of his shoulders after a handstand and then thrust herself up to his chest by performing crunches.

Nick was left in awe, and claimed he ‘loved it’ and would ‘talk to her soon’ as she left him ‘wanting more’.

He's impressed! Nick was left in awe by Dasha, and claimed he 'loved it' and would 'talk to her soon' as she left him 'wanting more'

He’s impressed! Nick was left in awe by Dasha, and claimed he ‘loved it’ and would ‘talk to her soon’ as she left him ‘wanting more’

When the ladies began sharing stories at the cocktail party, Cassandra and Brittany compared notes on how well they knew Nick. 

Meanwhile, the ladies already appeared frustrated with Vanessa, saying: ‘Vanessa Sunshine just thinks her bloody s**t don’t stink, but, um, soz, mate, you’re not that epic.’

Host Osher Günsberg came in wearing a dapper suit to establish that Nick was there to find love and only a selection of women would last the night.

In a Bachelor Australia first, one lady would be given a key to Nick’s Bachelor pad, as Osher explains: ‘Holding the key to the bachelor pad is an incredibly opportunity. It means that you can visit the bachelor pad on one occasion of your choosing.’

That's new! Host Osher Günsberg reveals there is a key to The Bachelor pad up for grabs

That’s new! Host Osher Günsberg reveals there is a key to The Bachelor pad up for grabs

Lucky lady! Nick gave Brooke the first rose of the night, along with the Bachelor pad key

Lucky lady! Nick gave Brooke the first rose of the night, along with the Bachelor pad key

Nick arrives to the cocktail party with a standing ovation from the ladies, as he jokes to the stunners: ‘Evening, ladies. Traffic was terrible. I’m sorry I’m late.’ 

Cat appeared to have unfinished business with rival Sophie, as she claimed she has been seeing her ex-boyfriend recently.

A catfight ensued between the pair, as Cat deliberately set out to call out Sophie publicly for being with her ex-boyfriend.

'Basic bi**h!' A catfight ensued between Cat (RIGHT) and Sophie (LEFT), as Cat deliberately set out to call out Sophie publicly for being with her ex-boyfriend before the show

'Basic bi**h!' A catfight ensued between Cat (RIGHT) and Sophie (LEFT), as Cat deliberately set out to call out Sophie publicly for being with her ex-boyfriend before the show

‘Basic bi**h!’ A catfight ensued between Cat (RIGHT) and Sophie (LEFT), as Cat deliberately set out to call out Sophie publicly for being with her ex-boyfriend before the show

‘The intentions weren’t nice,’ Sophie exclaimed after the angry altercation- with Cat later calling Sophie a ‘basic bi**h’ behind her back.

Meanwhile, during Sophie’s one-on-one with Nick, she told him: ‘I’m super-stoked that you are really Australian and you seem really down-to-earth and kind, and that’s all I’ve got from you so far.’

‘She could be an outside runner,’ Nick told producers of Sophie.

'I look like a bit of an idiot': Kayla hoped to attract Nick's attention by jumping into the pool with her frock on, but admitted she felt like an 'idiot' when the suitor didn't witness the spectacle

‘I look like a bit of an idiot’: Kayla hoped to attract Nick’s attention by jumping into the pool with her frock on, but admitted she felt like an ‘idiot’ when the suitor didn’t witness the spectacle

Kayla hoped to attract Nick’s attention by jumping into the pool with her frock on, but admitted she felt like an ‘idiot’ when the suitor didn’t witness the spectacle.

Nick gave Brooke the first rose of the night, along with the Bachelor pad key.

During the episode, the ‘winner’ music played over his interaction with two contestants – Brooke and Brittany.  

Decision time! After giving Brooke the first rose of the night, Nick had 21 roses left to hand out at the inaugural rose ceremony

Decision time! After giving Brooke the first rose of the night, Nick had 21 roses left to hand out at the inaugural rose ceremony

Gone! Nick sent home Urszula, Susie and Autumn

Gone! Nick sent home Urszula, Susie and Autumn

After giving Brooke the first rose of the night, Nick had 21 roses left to hand out at the inaugural rose ceremony. 

Nick sent home Urszula, Susie and Autumn. 

The Bachelor returns on Thursday night from 7.30pm on Channel Ten 

Who will he choose? Nick has 21 contestants left on his series after sending three ladies home in the premiere episode on Wednesday night

Who will he choose? Nick has 21 contestants left on his series after sending three ladies home in the premiere episode on Wednesday night