The big scoop: Cheat’s chocolate vanilla ice-cream cake
Select an 18cm loose-bottomed cake tin (or a straight-sided soufflé dish). Have ready 1 x 500ml tub vanilla ice cream, 1 x 500ml tub chocolate ice cream and 125g Belgian chocolate sauce (you need a thick, spoonable sauce rather than a runny one). Remove the vanilla ice cream from the freezer 30-45 minutes in advance to soften. Spoon it into your tin or dish, pressing it into the corners. Place a sheet of clingfilm over the top and press down to level, then remove the clingfilm and smooth using a spoon. Cover and freeze for a couple of hours. Again, remove the chocolate ice cream from the freezer 30-45 minutes in advance. Spread the chocolate sauce over the vanilla ice cream, scatter over 50g mini marshmallows in a single layer and press them into the chocolate sauce. Spoon over the chocolate ice cream and level it in the same way as the vanilla, pressing down well to ensure that it fills the gaps between the marshmallows. Cover the surface with clingfilm and freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight. To serve, run a knife around the edge and invert on to a plate. Decorate with extra snipped marshmallows and chocolate shavings. To serve, slice into wedges like a cake (dipping the knife into boiling water first).