Some couples merely think about having a baby and it happens. Others, spend years trying with the help of medical technology. But, for many, this is not enough. Either there is an issue with the couple and their fertility or they are a same-sex couple, making it difficult to conceive by themselves.
The remaining options are adoption and surrogacy. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. But, opting for surrogacy means there will be a genetic connection between the parents and the child.
Before you can decide whether this is right for you, it’s important to understand the challenges and benefits a surrogate mother faces.
Currently, there is no law regarding surrogacy that covers all the states of Australia. That said, commercial surrogacy, effectively carrying a baby for money, is illegal everywhere in Australia. It is accepted and expected that the parents-to-be cover all pregnancy-related expenses for the surrogate.
That includes regular check-ups with a reputable obstetrician Sydney to check the health of mother and child.
Before you can be a surrogate you need to check the laws in your state to ensure it is legal.
You should also note that the birth is registered where the baby is born and the surrogate will be listed on the birth certificate. The new parents will need to re-register the birth where they live under a Parentage Order.
There are several benefits to surrogacy:
Involvement – Choosing a surrogate means you are involved in every step of the process even though you can’t carry the baby yourself. This ensures access to scans, medical appointments, and allows you to create a bond with the child before it is even born.
Predictability – Surrogacy should be subject to a legally binding contract. It needs to be drawn up by a lawyer and both parties sign freely. This ensures everyone knows what to expect during the surrogacy and a court order will ensure the new parents have all their rights protected.
It eliminates the worry of the surrogate changing their mind.
Positive Outcome Likely – Surrogates tend to be people that have already had babies and want to enjoy the thrill of being pregnant again, without adding to their brood. This means that the pregnancy is likely to be healthy and go full-term.
Of course, there are challenges that both sides need to be aware of:
Cost – Surrogacy is not the cheap, option. There are an array of medical costs on top of the legal costs to ensure everything is done properly. There can also be additional costs for transport due to the location of the surrogate and the parents-to-be.
It’s important to be aware of these before you start.
Complications – The surrogacy process needs to be completely legal in order for it to work properly. This can be complicated, especially when the surrogate is living in a different state. There can also be complications with the pregnancy and associated medical issues.
In short, this can be stressful for all parties, being prepared is essential.