Revealed: The FOUR food groups that combat ageing and turn back the clock – including skin-building red meat and cell-repairing apples
- Leading nutrition expert has revealed the best of the cell-rejuvenating nutrients
- Dr Vincent Candrawinata said foods like fruit slow down degenerative diseases
- He added good fats like avocado and nuts can help strengthen skin membrane
- Meanwhile, apples have a chemical which fights back against cell deterioration
The four food groups that can turn back the clock on the ageing process have been revealed by one of Australia’s leading nutrition experts.
Dr Vincent Candrawinata said while it is well known which foods are good for us, it is much less understood which nutrients help rejuvenate and regenerate our cells.
From fruit that reduce the risk of degenerative diseases to the ‘good fats’ giving our skin a golden glow, the food scientist has given his top tips for looking as young as ever.
The four food groups that can turn back the clock on the ageing process have been revealed by one of Australia’s leading nutrition experts (pictured avocado, which he named as a ‘good fat’)
Vitamins and mineral-rich foods
Dr Vincent said scientific evidence shows regular consumption of certain fruit and vegetables can slow down the onset of certain degenerative diseases.
‘Fruit like papaya, watermelon, pineapples as well as veggies like spinach, broccoli, bok choy and cauliflowers are rich in these essential nutrients,’ he said.
‘Spinach is especially good for people who are vegan or vegetarian as it contains heme iron which is easier for the body to absorb.’
Good and healthy fats
It is common knowledge that bad fats can cause what is called radical damage in the cells and speed up the ageing process.
But Dr Vincent said some fats like nuts, avocado and coconut oil were better than others – especially those with anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.
The founder of nutritional supplement company Renovatio said the chemicals can help strengthen skin cell membranes and fight the ageing process.
‘Omega-3 fatty acids help with strengthening skin cell membranes, protecting against sun damage and giving skin a glow by preserving its natural oil barrier,’ he said.
Dr Vincent said scientific evidence shows regular consumption of certain fruit and vegetables like spinach (pictured) can slow down the onset of certain degenerative diseases
Dr Vincent added antioxidants can form part of the resistance against free radicals, and said apples contain a chemical called fisetin that helps promote cellular repair
Antioxidant packed foods
A free radical refers to atoms in our bodies with a free electron in their outer shell – and Dr Vincent said they can cause ‘devastating damage’ to our cells.
But he added antioxidants can form part of the resistance against these threats, and said apples contain a chemical called fisetin that helps promote cellular repair.
‘If you can’t eat enough apples, take a supplement like ‘Activated Phenolics’ which consists of 100 percent apples and gives your body a highly absorbable hit of antioxidants,’ he said.
‘If you can’t eat enough apples, take a supplement like ‘Activated Phenolics’ which consists of 100 percent apples and gives your body a highly absorbable hit of antioxidants,’ Dr Vincent said
Collagen production is a key to anti-ageing, but Dr Vincent said we have to eat protein-rich foods first before our body can turn it into the skin-forming substance.
‘Good sources of protein can be animal-based such as red meat, fish, egg and pork or plant-based such as tofu, tempeh, legumes and soy,’ he added.
Collagen production is a key to anti-ageing, but Dr Vincent said we have to eat protein-rich foods first like eggs before our body can turn it into the skin-forming substance
Adding to his advice for those trying to beat the ageing clock, the wellness guru recommended adding ‘superfoods’ high in antioxidants like papaya to your next shopping list.
‘Many people who start adding these foods into their diet claim to see improvements in their skin, hair, memory and overall health and wellbeing,’ he said.
More information on Dr Vincent’s nutritional advice as well as recommended supplements can be found at