The Future of Vehicle Parking System

Car parks take a lot of space in our streets as well as inside office buildings or shopping malls. However, as cities struggle with inadequate parking spaces as well as increased traffic congestion, things are about to change going into the future– thanks to innovations.

Many city officials across the globe are in discussions about the frequent redundancy associated with car parking lots and comparing this issue to the ever-increasing need for additional commercial and residential buildings. Whether for business development, housing, or business development, the world’s growing population needs more and better infrastructure.

For example, in the United States alone, there are between 105 million and 2 million parking spaces. That means more spaces than the number of cars in the world. With the emerging battle between vehicle parking spaces and the need for land, it is necessary to rethink the future of car parking. Indeed, experts should use various techniques and approaches to ease the ongoing battle between parking spaces and the need for more land.

Data-Driven Approach

With the rise of the need to make informed decisions and availability of data, techies are collecting traffic and parking data for analytics to come up with smart parking solutions. Modern car parking systems are going full tech with the deployment of motion sensors, remote monitoring, and algorithm to ensure a customized experience to customers.

The idea is to use data and come up with a smart vehicle car parking system that can be leveraged to reduce traffic. Data gives insight on how often as well as when a particular car is parked in a spot.

Automation parking And Display

These days parking has become convenient for both private and public parking spaces. Now, with automated parking and display machines, drivers can check-in by getting a ticket at the entrance and being directed on which spot to park. Also, the device has an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to use the machine.

The machines have been programmed in such a manner that when a customer pays by inserting a note, the machine can give out the exact change. For those who prefer contactless payment, the same can recognize card payments. Expect more parking space will adopt a system where one only needs to pass their phone screen next to the machine to make payments on exit.


The advent of self-driving cars has made most companies to start testing and implementing the concept of self-parking. Companies are testing self-parking cars. For instance, ParkPlus is working on a system that will make parking to be on another level. Imagine driving your car to a parking garage and then leaving it to be parked by a robotic dolly to an unseen location – often underground parking spaces or stacked in a packing rack.

Well, that will soon be a reality. The advantage automated system is that a space that would have been used to park one car could now be utilized by up to four vehicles. Also, retrieving your vehicle from the rack can take less than five minutes.

Wrap Up

With the invention of self-driving cars, companies are hoping to have drivers drop off at a specific destination and have the car look for a parking space itself. With competition and continuous appetite for innovation, expect even more possibilities with vehicle parking systems.

Note that city officials should also think about more advanced technologies as part of the future of car parking. These technologies include smart parking using Internet of Things, automation, self-driving cars, and robotics. When implemented carefully, these technologies have the potential to revolutionize the car parking industry.