The Health Benefits of CBD Products

Understanding What CBD Is

The cannabis plant has been known for its medicinal qualities for several millennia. Its therapeutic properties have been tested by scientists and are recommended for use by doctors all over the world. There are two main variants of the cannabis plant, namely Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. Both of these subspecies contain over one hundred natural chemical compounds called cannabinoids. These include CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Both CBD and THC are remarkably therapeutic. But unlike THC, CBD does not make you feel intoxicated (stoned). This is because CBD acts on different receptors in the brain and body as compared to THC. Moreover, when used together, CBD can neutralize or lessen the psychoactive effects of THC. So, in summary, CBD offers all the health benefits of cannabis without the feeling of being intoxicated.

Why the Prohibition in the Past

The use of CBD has long been a controversial subject due to a lack of understanding of what it does, often being confused with THC. Unlike THC, CBD is safe to use and is non-addictive. In contrast to THC, CBD can help individuals recover from substance addiction. The stigma around CBD is slowly fading, thanks to the discoveries that show its medicinal effects on illness, chronic pain, and mental disorders. CBD products demonstrate a positive impact on individuals who have arthritis, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and type 1 diabetes. Studies also suggest that CBD can help with anxiety, depression, nausea, and sleep disorders.

What Benefits does CBD Offer

CBD offers a long list of benefits that continues to grow as scientists unearth more health benefits and new use-cases. Here’s an overview of the top 10 benefits CBD has to offer.

  • CBD relieves arthritis pain.
  • CBD relieves chronic pain.
  • CBD reduces inflammation.
  • CBD lowers muscle spasms and other MS symptoms.
  • CBD reduces chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.
  • CBD may slow cancer cell growth.
  • CBD relieves anxiety and depression.
  • CBD relieves insomnia and improves sleep.
  • CBD helps treat acne and psoriasis.
  • CBD aids in nicotine and heroin addiction recovery.

CBD for Pain Relief & Cancer

Several studies have shown that CBD provides relief for chronic pain that stems from multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and other conditions. Your body’s endocannabinoid system plays a role in regulating emotions, the immune system, motor control, and pain response. So when you ingest CBD, it changes the way your body perceives and subsequently responds to pain. A study found that CBD anti-inflammatory properties significantly reduces inflammation and chronic nerve pain. In addition, CBD is known to minimize spasticity among individuals with multiple sclerosis, which enables them to walk more efficiently and with less pain.

CBD can also relieve many of the symptoms caused by cancer. It is common for cancer patients to live with uncomfortable symptoms, like depression, pain, and sleep issues. CBD helps with all of these, including chemotherapy-induced vomiting and nausea as a result of cancer treatment. Vomiting and nausea are of the most common and feared symptoms of chemotherapy. It can become so intense that up to 50% of cancer patients ultimately delay or refuse treatment.

Check The Law Before Buying CBD

Now that there’s a better understanding of the miraculous age-old cannabis plant, you can take full advantage of its benefits. But is CBD legal in your State? Maybe not, unfortunately. That’s because not all forms of CBD products are legal in all of the United States. Always do your due diligence first. Click here to find out more.