The little-known road rule that could cost you $230 and two demerit points

New South Wales: Drivers could be stung with a $110 fine and have two demerit points slashed from their licence.

Victoria: You could be fined $155, but no demerit points will be deducted.

Queensland: Motorists using fog lights in normal conditions could be fined $50 and lose one demerit point.

South Australia: The country’s largest fine of $233 applies, but no demerit points will be deducted. 

Every state and territory in Australia has laws which make it illegal to use fog lights in normal conditions, with fines ranging from $50 to $233

Western Australia: The offence carries a $100 fine and the loss of one demerit point.  

Tasmania: Using fog lights in normal conditions will cost $119, but no demerit points.

Australian Capital Territory: Drivers can be fined $193, but loss of demerit points do not apply. 

Northern Territory: Fog lights need to be angled towards the ground.