Dating is tough to navigate at the best of times – something that can turn even the most eloquent singles into a gibbering mess.
While feeling uncomfortable can make people say strange things, there are some expressions that can indicate a lack of respect – and should be seen as a red flag.
From speaking in the third person to referring to a woman as a ‘good girl’, FEMAIL looks at six of the ‘red flag’ phrases comedian David Smiedt warns woman about – and why they’re a cause for concern.
The dating world can be a tough place, one that’s even tough if the person you’re dating lacks basic manners (stock image)
1. Speaking in the third person
If you encounter someone who chats about themselves in the third person – take this as a sign you need to head for the hills.
Speaking in the third person means referring to yourself by name rather than using the pronouns ‘I’ or ‘me’.
There is an idea that speaking in this manner can give you a psychological edge, however, it can also indicate narcissistic tendencies.
‘People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) have limited interest in the feelings of others. They lack empathy and are unable to feel or appreciate feelings that are not their own,’ according to Medical News Today.
2. Saying ‘she’s a good girl’
The effects of this phrase are a little more subtle.
This because on first hearing, it can sound as if the person is making a comment on someone’s character.
However, the expression ‘she’s a good girl’ has the potential to sound derogatory because it indicates passivity.
To be on the safe side, this term is probably best used only in reference to a pet.

While nerves can make people say strange things, there are some expressions that indicate a real lack of respect – something that should be seen as a red flag (stock image)
3. ‘You just can’t take a joke’
This comment says plenty about the person who said it and very little about the person it is being said to.
It’s usually the follow-up phrase to something that’s been said in a disrespectful or sexist manner – and the ‘joke’ is rarely funny.
In the event you hear this on a date, remember it’s not your job to stroke someone’s ego by laughing at a remark that goes against your values.
4. ‘You’re much more fun than my ex’
This phrase needs some context before making a decision about the person saying it, however, it should be treated as one that raises red flags.
The problem with this kind of expression is that it’s not really a compliment – more it’s a back-handed way of attacking the person who isn’t there.
It can indicate bitterness and resentment and potentially a person who is unwilling to deal with the end of a relationship in a mature way.

A well meaning suitor may take it upon himself to order your meal, however, this can be interpreted as sexist behaviour (stock image)
5. Not saying ‘please’ or ‘thank you’
Basic manners go a long way toward impressing a new person.
So if a date isn’t saying ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ to bar or waitstaff, take this as a sign something is awry.
Science also backs up the benefits of these simple phrases, particularly saying thank you.
Recent research in social psychology suggests that saying ‘thank you’ goes beyond good manners – it also serves to build and maintain social relationships
6. ‘The lady will have…’
A dinner date can feel like a formal affair, but there’s never any reason for a date to take control of the situation completely.
Given waitstaff have been trained to ask people individually what they’d like to order there’s really no need for the ordering to be done by just one person.
While this move can feel like an attempt at chivalry, it should be exposed for what it really is: an outdated and sexist move.
Although not exactly the most heinous of phrases to be uttered, it’s worth remembering it’s the small signs and signals that are worth paying attention to.