The Stages of Alcoholic Recovery

Since alcoholic recovery can be a long and daunting process, it is important to understand the different stages that one may experience along the way. This article will cover alcoholic recovery stages and what alcoholic recovery looks like, including some of the common pitfalls that people face during these stages. We hope this information will give you an idea of what to expect when you are trying to recover from alcoholism.


The first stage in the recovery process is acceptance. In this stage, you realize that your alcoholic problems are not going to disappear if you just ignore them and that the only way to fix these issues is by starting some type of recovery program or therapy.

The main pitfall with this initial stage is that many slip back into alcoholism before taking action or are reluctant to actually make that step. Once this realization has sunk in, it’s time for action!


The second stage in alcoholic recovery is getting through detoxification. Most people will experience physical withdrawal symptoms during this stage which can include nausea, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, tremors/shakes, etc.

The alcoholic withdrawal process is generally very unpleasant and can be difficult to go through. Fortunately, there are medications that can be used to help with the detoxification process such as benzodiazepines and other drugs that help with anxiety, pain control, and seizures.

These medications don’t work for everyone, but they do provide some relief for many people during this difficult time. It’s important to know what types of treatment options exist so that someone can get through their alcoholic rehab as quickly as possible without too much discomfort.


The third stage of alcoholic recovery is called early sobriety. This stage is marked by a period of abstinence from alcohol consumption while you wait for your brain to heal from the damage caused by alcohol alcoholic abuse. This can be a difficult transition for many people because they are so used to having alcoholic beverages every day that they cannot imagine not drinking anything at all anymore.

The most important thing someone should focus on here is developing good coping skills to help normalize life without alcohol; otherwise, an alcoholic may resort back to their old habits when things get tough again.

Because of how difficult this stage can be, it’s common for people who go through alcoholic rehab programs to relapse after about six months or so if they do not make any changes in their lives following treatment. Recovery takes hard work!

Long-term Abstinence

Last but certainly not least, we have the fourth stage of alcoholic recovery which is long-term abstinence. This stage is very important because this is where people really start noticing significant changes in their life after getting sober.

Now that someone has gone through all these stages, they can continue to live their lives without drinking alcohol on a daily basis or looking for alcoholic outlets in other unhealthy ways (e.g., gambling, etc.). It takes time and dedication but if you are serious about your recovery then it will be well worth the wait.

Alcoholic recovery can be an uphill battle, so it is important to understand the different stages that alcoholic individuals will experience along the way. As always, it’s important to do your due diligence to seek out the alcoholic recovery program that is right for you.