The surprising ingredients that are flying off supermarket shelves as Australians get VERY creative in the kitchen during coronavirus lockdown
- Sales at Woolworths have doubled for sesame seeds, cardamom and saffron
- Roasted peppers increased 65 per cent while chilli sauces jumped 40 per cent
- Dried soup mix packets saw the biggest increase with sales up 200 per cent
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Woolworths has revealed the surprising list of ingredients that are flying off the shelves during coronavirus lockdown.
Sales have doubled for ingredients such as dried sesame seeds, cardamom and saffron, with roasted peppers seeing an increase of 65 per cent.
Capers’ sales increased 35 per cent, Asian and hot chilli sauces are up 40 per cent and dried soup mix packets are up 200 per cent.
Woolworths recorded sales have doubled for ingredients such as dried sesame seeds, cardamom and saffron (pictured), with roasted peppers seeing an increase of 65 per cent
‘I am very pleased to report that sales of most products are back to pre-COVID-19 levels,’ Woolworths chief executive Brad Banducci said on Friday morning.
Though stock availability for toilet paper was low due to panic buying, Woolworths reported sales dropped by four million rolls last week.
Toilet paper sales are now lower than the sales volume at the same time in 2019.
Woolworths also reported the sales of cough and cold products are much lower in 2020 compared to 2019.
‘This easing of demand means we’ve been able to lift the product limits on essentials like rice, pasta sauce, noodles, cleaning products, sugar and eggs,’ Mr Banducci said.
Only six item categories have limits still in place, which are down from 45 during the height of the coronavirus.
Capers’ sales increased 35 per cent, Asian and hot chilli sauces (pictured) are up 40 per cent and dried soup mix packets are up 200 per cent
The supermarket giant will continue to follow social distancing and hygiene guidelines to ensure customers and staff are safe while stock levels return to normal.
‘Over the last few months, we’ve made some material changes and investments for the health and safety of our customers and teams,’ Mr Banducci said.
‘At the moment, we don’t foresee the need for any significant new social distancing or hygiene initiatives, but we do continue to fine tune and adapt what we already have.’
Coles has also lifted item limits on products such as tinned tomatoes and pasta as panic buying eases.
The supermarket giant also lifted restrictions on pasta sauce and sugar, which had been in short supply for almost two months.
On Tuesday, Coles also lifted restrictions off toilet paper and paper towels.
Two items per person limits are still in place for flour, dry rice, eggs, frozen vegetables, frozen desserts, liquid soap and antibacterial wipes.
The supermarket giant will continue to follow social distancing and hygiene guidelines to ensure customers and staff are safe while stock levels return to normal