Three-year-old shares a striking resemblance to Princess Charlotte

This adorable toddler has been snapped up to model in advertising campaigns thanks to her striking resemblance to a certain young royal.

Scarlett Evered, three, looks so much like Princess Charlotte, the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, that her mother Victoria says they’re often accosted by strangers at the supermarket eager to point out her doppelganger. 

Victoria, 38, from Orpington in Kent, told how she sent her daughter’s photos to a lookalike agency when she was 15 months old, after the little girl’s grandmother pointed out how much she looks like Kate and William’s daughter. 

She was immediately snapped up to work that weekend, Victoria said, and Scarlett has gone on to be hired for campaigns by brands including Asda and My 1st Years. 

The mother-of-three said of the stir her daughter creates: ‘You’ll be in the supermarket and people come up and say she looks just like her. 

‘It happens especially if her hair is down because the parting falls in a similar way to Princess Charlotte’s,’ she added. 

Victoria said appearing in campaigns is ‘fun’ for her daughter, who she said loves the attention.  

Scarlett has received comments from strangers due to her similarities with Princess Charlotte (pictured)

Victoria Evered, from Orpington in Kent, pitched her daughter Scarlett (pictured left), as a lookalike of Princess Charlotte (pictured right) to agencies after the little girl’s grandmother pointed out the resemblance 

Scarlett Evered, three, (pictured with a Kate Middleton lookalike) from Kent, has been working as a Princess Charlotte lookalike since she was 15 months old. Mother Victoria Evered, 38, revealed how her daughter became the go-to for royal brand campaigns

Scarlett Evered, three, (pictured with a Kate Middleton lookalike) from Kent, has been working as a Princess Charlotte lookalike since she was 15 months old. Mother Victoria Evered, 38, revealed how her daughter became the go-to for royal brand campaigns

Mother-of-three Victoria (pictured top right with husband Andrew, 40, and their children Nathan, 7, Scarlett, 3, and Harrison, 10) claims her daughter has begun telling people she's not Princess Charlotte when she receives attention for their likeness

Mother-of-three Victoria (pictured top right with husband Andrew, 40, and their children Nathan, 7, Scarlett, 3, and Harrison, 10) claims her daughter has begun telling people she’s not Princess Charlotte when she receives attention for their likeness

‘There was an open day at my son’s school and his teacher came up and said “do you know who she’s the exact double of?” 

‘Quite often I’ll see people smiling at me and I know what they’re going to say. I’ve not had anyone think I’ve actually stolen the princess though – thank God. 

‘Scarlett’s taken to saying “I’m not Princess Charlotte, I’m Scarlett”. And as she gets older she’s becoming much more aware of it.

‘When we’re out and about and people say it she laughs and smiles. She does love the attention.’

‘When Princess Charlotte turned one there was a magazine feature with lots of pictures and my mum said Scarlett looked just like her.

‘Mum said “why don’t you see if she could be a lookalike”. I sent Scarlett’s picture to a lookalike agency and she was working that weekend.

‘Her first job was for a viral video campaign for Asda when she was 15 months old to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday.

‘It was amazing. There were lookalikes for Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge. She loved every minute of it.

‘They were filming so the director was keeping them separate but people were walking past and doing a double take. It was hilarious.

‘It had millions of views on their social media platforms. It was so surreal.

‘I thought that would be it and it would be a one off but then that summer she was asked to do another one.

Scarlett (pictured as Princess Charlotte alongside other royal lookalikes) who is currently signed to agencies - Scarlett Entertainment, Susan Scott and Lookalikes has received opportunities to appear as Princess Charlotte for brands including Asda and Pizza Express

Scarlett (pictured as Princess Charlotte alongside other royal lookalikes) who is currently signed to agencies – Scarlett Entertainment, Susan Scott and Lookalikes has received opportunities to appear as Princess Charlotte for brands including Asda and Pizza Express

Scarlett (pictured at 15 months old as Princess Charlotte) first appeared as a lookalike in a campaign for Asda to mark the Queen's 90th birthday 

Scarlett (pictured at 15 months old as Princess Charlotte) first appeared as a lookalike in a campaign for Asda to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday 

Scarlett (pictured as Princess Charlotte alongside other lookalikes) caused strangers who were shopping to do a double take whilst filming the Asda campaign 

Scarlett (pictured as Princess Charlotte alongside other lookalikes) caused strangers who were shopping to do a double take whilst filming the Asda campaign 

Victoria who is also mother to Harrison, 10, and Nathan, seven, with her finance consultant husband Andrew Evered, 40, revealed how signing Scarlett up to three agencies has opened doors of opportunity. 

Scarlett has starred in three viral videos for Asda in 2016 and a video for Pizza Express to mark Prince George’s third birthday.

Stay-at-home mum Victoria also entered her into a Netvouchercodes competition to find the best lookalike, which she won in April 2017.

Scarlett was then asked to open up a Christmas fairground at a Dreamland event in Margate, Kent, last year with Prince William lookalike Simon Watkinson and Duchess of Cambridge lookalike Heidi Agan.   

Victoria said: ‘It was lovely for her. She got to walk around the park and meet Father Christmas and got to go ice skating before everybody else arrived.

‘They took pictures of her with the other lookalikes on the ice rink then people were coming over to speak to her.

Victoria claims Scarlett (pictured as Princess Charlotte for Pizza Express) loves the opportunities her looks have given her as she's very sociable and friendly 

Victoria claims Scarlett (pictured as Princess Charlotte for Pizza Express) loves the opportunities her looks have given her as she’s very sociable and friendly 

Scarlett (pictured alongside a Meghan Markle and Prince George lookalike) received a lot of coverage for her appearance as Princess Charlotte in the campaign for My 1st Years' Royal Collection earlier this year

Scarlett (pictured alongside a Meghan Markle and Prince George lookalike) received a lot of coverage for her appearance as Princess Charlotte in the campaign for My 1st Years’ Royal Collection earlier this year

Victoria revealed Scarlett (pictured at Dreamland) has moments where she thinks she's seeing herself when watching Princess Charlotte on television

Victoria revealed Scarlett (pictured at Dreamland) has moments where she thinks she’s seeing herself when watching Princess Charlotte on television

‘She loved it. She’s a very sociable, friendly, outgoing little girl and it comes very naturally to her.

‘This year to mark the birth of the royal baby she did a campaign for My 1st Years’ Royal Collection. That was her first modelling campaign and she really took to it.

‘They were in their dressing gowns being babysat by a Meghan Markle lookalike which got a lot of coverage in magazines and papers.

‘It was because Prince George wore one of those dressing gowns when he met President Obama.

‘She was brilliant. She knows Hayden (Ursell) who plays Prince George really well and the other lookalikes are always really professional.

‘It doesn’t seem like she’s doing any work. She’s just having fun.

‘I always show her Princess Charlotte on the television and a couple of times she’s thought it’s actually her.

‘When the royal baby was born she thought she was watching Simon who is the Prince William lookalike.

‘Scarlett has got lighter hair and a different eye colour. She’s not exactly the same but they definitely have some sort of resemblance.

Victoria (pictured with Scarlett) believes her daughter would be happy to copy Princess Charlotte as she's always looking at images of what the royal is wearing 

Victoria (pictured with Scarlett) believes her daughter would be happy to copy Princess Charlotte as she’s always looking at images of what the royal is wearing 

Victoria revealed her sons are proud of Scarlett (pictured alongside her brothers Nathan and Harrison) and enjoy showing her work to their school friends

Victoria revealed her sons are proud of Scarlett (pictured alongside her brothers Nathan and Harrison) and enjoy showing her work to their school friends

Victoria says she hopes Scarlett (pictured modelling a robe as Princess Charlotte for My 1st Years) can continue working as a double for the royal 

Victoria says she hopes Scarlett (pictured modelling a robe as Princess Charlotte for My 1st Years) can continue working as a double for the royal 

‘Scarlett does like Princess Charlotte. She always looks at her dresses and what she’s wearing. I think she’d be happy to copy her clothes.

‘I’ll be over the moon if she can continue to do it. We have a lovely memory book of all her press cuttings so that she can see it when she’s older.

‘We love the royal family. I think they do us proud as a country so it’s really nice to have this memorabilia.

‘I would love her to meet Princess Charlotte one day – that would be amazing.’ 

Victoria says the moment Scarlett stops enjoying being a lookalike, she will be able to give it up. She claims the attention her daughter receives as a doppelganger brings joy to the entire family.

She said: ‘Her brothers love it. They think it’s hilarious. Every time she’s in the paper or part of a campaign they take it in to show their classmates at school.

‘They’re so proud of her – especially when she won the competition.

‘She is a bit of a diva and I think that comes with having older brothers – they do love to spoil her. She’s the princess in our family.

‘When we get a booking it’s fantastic but it’s not something she does all the time. It comes a bit out of the blue and it’s always a lovely surprise when we’re asked.

‘She enjoys it and if she stops enjoying it we won’t do it anymore. As long as Scarlett’s having fun that’s the most important thing.’