Tinder lothario Gable Tostee has labeled the #MeToo campaign ‘bullsh**’ and accused women who make allegations against men of pushing alternative agendas.
The Gold Coast man, listed as Eric Thomas on Facebook, made his opinions clear when he uploaded an article about sexual assault accusations made against Morgan Freeman.
He directed an angry tirade at women who spoke up about allegedly being assaulted by the movie megastar in a charged post to Facebook on Friday.
Tinder lothario Gable Tostee (pictured) has labeled the #MeToo campaign ‘bullsh**’ and accused women who make allegations against men of pushing alternative agendas
‘Oh piss right off. If you’re so precious you can’t handle a flirtatious remark or an awkward approach, don’t complain when you ‘can’t find any decent men’ anymore,’ Tostee wrote.
‘When so many men are already terrified to talk to women, this #Metoo BS is yet another nail in the coffin of masculinity. Is that really what women want?’
In the article, women detailed ways in which the 80-year-old star had allegedly behaved inappropriately towards them while working on movie sets.
One woman said she endured several months of harassment at the hands of Freeman, who allegedly tried to lift up her skirt during the production of the 2015 movie Going In Style.

The Gold Coast man, listed as Eric Thomas on Facebook, made his opinions clear when he uploaded an article about sexual assault accusations made against Morgan Freeman (pictured)

He directed an angry tirade at women who spoke up about allegedly being assaulted by the movie megastar in a charged post (pictured) to Facebook on Friday
Another recalled inappropriate behaviour from Freeman during the making of ‘Now You See Me’ in 2012, saying ‘he did comment on our bodies…We knew that if he was coming by…not to wear any top that would show our breasts’.
In response to a comment left below Tostee’s post, the 31-year-old accused the alleged victims of being motivated by factors other than justice.
‘Thing is I don’t think any of these complainants are genuinely bothered by it. I think they are pushing other agendas,’ he said.
It wasn’t the first time Tosdee made controversial comments about feminists, with him claiming sex would ‘cure’ them in a post to Facebook two weeks ago.

In response to a comment left below Tostee’s post, the 31-year-old (pictured) accused the alleged victims of being motivated by factors other than justice
‘The best cure for feminism is a good root,’ he said in a post shared with his 4,000 followers.
Tostee stood trial for the death of New Zealand tourist Warriena Wright, 26, after she fell 14 storeys from his Gold Coast apartment in 2014.
The pair were on a first date after they met through dating app Tinder.
Shortly after he was acquitted over the death, Tostee created another Tinder profile.
‘Shhh don’t tell Channel 9,’ his profile read, referring to the media attention surrounding the death of Ms Wright and his subsequent trial.

Tostee (left) stood trial for the death of New Zealand tourist Warriena Wright (right), 26, after she fell 14 storeys from his Gold Coast apartment in 2014