Tom Gleeson roasts Studio 10 host Sarah Harris on ABC’s Hard Chat

Comedian Tom Gleeson regularly roasts celebrities on his ABC show Hard Chat.

And on Wednesday, it was Sarah Harris’ turn for a grilling – following in the footsteps of Sophie Monk, Karl Stefanovic and The Veronicas.

The funnyman, 44, didn’t hold back when it came to Studio 10’s dismal ratings, leaving Sarah momentarily lost for words.


'You make Sunrise look like Four Corners!' Sarah Harris cringed as Tom Gleeson (pictured) savaged Studio 10's low ratings and awkward advertising segments on Wednesday's Hard Chat

‘You make Sunrise look like Four Corners!’ Sarah Harris (left) cringed as Tom Gleeson (right) savaged Studio 10’s low ratings and awkward advertising segments on Wednesday’s Hard Chat

At the start of the segment, Tom claimed the advertorials on Studio 10 were more entertaining than the panel discussions.

When asked to elaborate, he added: ‘I just think it’s sometimes tricky when you’re talking about a political issue at the desk and then you have to segue to selling a vacuum.’

Tom later claimed that he ‘crams as much entertainment into three minutes as [Sarah does] in a week!’, a comment she described as ‘harsh’.

'We're all aware of that. We've seen the ratings!' Sarah's joke about Studio 10 being a 'little battler morning show' backfired when Tom took a swipe at the program's viewing figures. Pictured: The Studio 10 panel

‘We’re all aware of that. We’ve seen the ratings!’ Sarah’s joke about Studio 10 being a ‘little battler morning show’ backfired when Tom took a swipe at the program’s viewing figures. Pictured: The Studio 10 panel

Playing along with the jokes, Sarah described Studio 10 as ‘a little battler morning show’.

However, she was taken aback when Tom took another swipe by saying: ‘We’re all aware of that. We’ve seen the ratings!’

Tom then asked Sarah, who is also the host of Network Ten’s Shark Tank, if Studio 10 would be worth investing money into.

'If you pitched Studio 10 to the Sharks, do you think they'd pick it up?' Tom then asked Sarah, who is also the host of  Shark Tank, if the show would be worth investing money in. He joked her pitch should be, 'We dumb things down so much we make Sunrise look like Four Corners!'

‘If you pitched Studio 10 to the Sharks, do you think they’d pick it up?’ Tom then asked Sarah, who is also the host of Shark Tank, if the show would be worth investing money in. He joked her pitch should be, ‘We dumb things down so much we make Sunrise look like Four Corners!’

‘If you pitched Studio 10 to the Sharks, do you think they’d pick it up? How would you pitch it? You could say, “We dumb things down so much we make Sunrise look like Four Corners!”‘

During the four-minute interview, Tom also joked about Sarah being ‘mansplained’ to by co-host Joe Hildebrand, who he called ‘at least the fourth stand-in’ for The Project.

Hard Chat with Tom Gleeson airs on ABC from 8.30pm on Wednesdays during The Weekly With Charlie Pickering

All's well that ends well! Sarah took the roasting in good humour and shook Tom's hand after the Hard Chat interview

All’s well that ends well! Sarah took the roasting in good humour and shook Tom’s hand after the Hard Chat interview