Top 4 Ways to Use Memes Effectively in Your Content Marketing Strategy

Memes are one of the most famous contents on social media platforms. The primary objective of the memes is to enhance the network or application amongst people.

This is the main reason why using memes in your content marketing strategy will help you to boost the visibility as well as the engagement rate of your company. When creating targeted memes for your customers, you can easily use this method to enhance your business’s network.

Combining memes with your content marketing strategy is undoubtedly one of the best ways to receive positive responses from your audience. Memes not only showcase your creativity but also entertain your audience and allow you to show the personality of your brand. Here are the top 4 ways that you can use memes in your business’s content marketing strategy.

Create Fresh and Original Memes

Even if you use popular meme templates of Meme Scoutthe messages you’re conveying should be original, fresh, and relatable to your brand. Make sure you’re not copying the jokes.

Some memes represent nostalgic memories. No matter what nostalgic meme you choose, make sure they are relevant as per your brand image. For instance, nostalgic memes such as Doritos will help the audiences to feel that they belong in your community.

Other businesses use satire, dark humour, and sarcasm to establish their point. On the other hand, some businesses use only simple humour.

Develop the Personality of Your Brand through Memes

Another great way to use memes in your content marketing strategy is by developing the personality of your brand. As per Medium, brand personality will allow you to create a unique identity for your business. Wendy is one of the most famous fast-food restaurants in the United States. In 2017, they took a risk and turned their famous mascot into a face who trolls other fast food social accounts.

Know Your Target Audience

Have you ever been to a stand-up comedy show where the comedian cracked a joke but the audience failed to interpret it? Were the audiences incapable of understanding the joke? Did they think the joke was lame? This happens because the comedian failed to tailor his target audience.

For instance, a joke regarding AARP won’t be able to entertain the Gen Z crowd. The joke is irrelevant for them. However, jokes using high school or college will attract them immediately. The same theory is applicable for memes too.

Make sure you know the demographics of your audience. This way you can incorporate memes in your content marketing strategies effectively.

Stay Relevant with the Memes

Remember the time when a mysterious monolith appeared in the desert out of nowhere in 2020? This gave meme markers unprecedented opportunity to create memes. During this time, Amazon took the opportunity to showcase its humour and relevancy.

If you notice a trending meme, using it and making the meme relevant for your brand will help you to sharpen meme marketing. However, don’t force if the meme is failing to work with your brand.


If applied correctly, memes are one of the greatest tools that will strengthen your content marketing strategy. They will not only showcase the humorous side of your brand but also attract new audiences.