Top 5 Medicines to Prevent a Heart Attack

A Heart attack also is known in medical terminology as myocardial infarction may be fatal, but treatment with modern medicines within the golden hour can save the patient from impending death.

To prevent heart attacks, physicians and cardiologists have a wide array of drugs to prescribe to prevent heart attacks and other heart-related complications. Please find below the top 5 medicines to prevent heart attacks, prescribed by physicians all over the world.

  1. Ecosprin Tablet uses (aspirin)

When the flow of blood to the heart is blocked, blocked, a heart attack may be experienced. This blockage may be caused by the accumulation of cholesterol, fats, lipids, and other materials, which may form a plaque in the coronary arteries that feed the heart.

The plaque disintegrates and forms a clot. The clot which is formed in the artery interrupts the flow of blood and destroys or damages the heart muscle, causing a heart attack.

Ecosprin tablet uses (aspirin) are well documented in renowned medical textbooks. Ecosprin tablets keep blood clots from forming by preventing blood platelets from sticking together. The platelets help in plugging the site of bleeding in the blood vessels.

Your doctor may prescribe aspirin (Ecosprin tablets)

  • If you never had a heart attack, but are at high risk of having one.
  • If you have had a stent placed in a coronary artery, or you had coronary bypass surgery. You experience chest pain (Angina) sometimes, and you are at risk of having a heart attack.

Daily aspirin (Ecosprin Tablets) therapy is recommended in many countries, for people in the age group of 50 to 59 years, who are not at increased risk of bleeding but are definitely at risk of a heart attack or stroke.


Statin drugs are prescribed to cover the risk of a heart attack, attack, hardening of the arteries and stroke. Previously statins were labelled as purely cholesterol-lowering drugs, benefitting people with high levels of cholesterol.

Newer research has thrown light that statins also benefit people with lower levels of cholesterol, who are at high risk of heart disease. Statins help lower low-density lipoproteins, commonly known as LDL or bad cholesterol.

Statins are known to draw out the fat or cholesterol out of a plaque, plaque, formed in the coronary arteries. Research has shown that the risk of long-term use of statin drugs is low and the potential benefits are high. Statins commonly prescribed by physicians to prevent heart attacks are Atorvastatin, Rosuvastatin, Simvastatin, Pravastatin, Lovastatin, Fluvastatin, and Pitavastatin.


Clopidogrel is used as preventive medicine for heart attacks and strokes in patients with cardiac diseases including unstable angina. It is given to a patient to keep the blood vessels, clot free after cardiac procedures,  such as putting a cardiac stent.

Clopidogrel is an antiplatelet drug, which helps blood flowing smoothly in the body. It works by blocking platelets from sticking together and prevents the formation of harmful blood clots.

If the cardiologist or physician has advised you to take clopidogrel after a stent implant or other procedure, Ecosprin tablet uses are well known by the cardiologist. He may co prescribe aspirin (Ecosprin tablets) along with clopidogrel for a long period.

When you are taking clopidogrel to avoid grapefruit or grapefruit juice as this may increase the side effects of this medicine.


Warfarin is commonly called as a blood thinner, because of its strong anticoagulant action. Warfarin accelerates the smooth flow of blood in the circulatory system of the body, by inhibiting the formation of clots.

For the prevention and treatment of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis, post-myocardial infarction, systolic lv dysfunction, antiphospholipid antibody synthesis, Stroke, warfarin is used for removing blood clots forming in the body.

Prevention of clotting of the blood reduces the possibility of a severe heart attack or cardioembolic stroke. Hip and knee replacement surgeries along with, atrial fibrillation, and cardiac valve replacement increases immense possibilities of newer blood clots forming. It is important to eat a balanced and consistent diet while taking warfarin.

5.ACE inhibitors

ACE(angiotensin-converting enzyme)inhibitors prevent the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, in the renin-angiotensin system.

Angiotensin II’s role, which is a chemical is to constrict the blood vessels of the body, consequently narrowing of the blood vessels enhances high blood pressure.

ACE inhibitors have some side effects which the patient may experience they are:-elevated blood potassium, dry cough, fatigue, headache, worsening of kidney function, and dizziness.

ACE inhibitors available in the market are captopril ,enalapril ,lisinopril,benazepril,fosinopril,ramipril,quinopril,perindopril,trandolapril,moexipril.

The above 5 top medicines to prevent Heart Attack are the preferred choice of physicians to prolong your lifespan and make the patient and their family members live a pleasant life, free from the worries of premature death.

Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) Symptoms

A person experiencing a heart attack may experience the following symptoms:-

  1. Feeling tightness, pain, pressure, aches or squeezing sensation in your arms or chest. Pain spreading to your jaws, neck or back may signal a heart attack.

2.Heartburn or abdominal pain, nausea and indigestion.

3.Cold sweat.


5.Sudden dizziness or lightheadedness.

Heart tissues deteriorate or die each minute after having a heart attack; heart damage can be prevented by quick restoration of blood supply.

Heart attack warning signs which are frequently observed

  1. A heart attack happens suddenly, but warning signs and symptoms may be experienced a few days back, a few weeks back or a few months back in advance.

These episodes should be given top priority, and expert medical consultation taken and never be neglected. All the patients who suffer a heart attack do not present the same symptoms.

Some heart attack patients may not complain of any adverse symptoms, while some patients may experience mild pain while many patients may complain of very severe chest pain.

For a few the first sign may be a cardiac arrest. The earliest warning signs may be recurrent chest pain or angina, which is aggravated by exertion and is relieved after taking rest for some time.

An anginal attack is caused by a temporary decrease in blood flowing to the heart. If you are experiencing any of the above episodes, you may be having a heart attack.

Ecosprin tablet uses are well known to physicians who may also prescribe, statins, clopidogrel, warfarin and ace inhibitors are given to the patients on a long-term basis to prevent a heart attack.

What to do when you suffer a heart attack?.

  1. In case you experience a heart attack, leave aside everything, call your family members, and ask them to drive you to a hospital, if you are in an office, tell your colleagues to rush you to the emergency department of any good nearby hospital having Cardiac ICU facilities.

If you alone call the emergency helpline number of a hospital and inform them of your condition and ask them to send an ambulance right away.

Do not try to self-drive to the hospital, as this may expose the people on the roads to greater risks of accidents and death in some cases.

Reaching the hospital emergency within the golden hour may decide your survival.

  1. If you are a cardiac patient, a doctor may have advised you to take nitroglycerine in case of an impending heartache. If you do not have the drug, tell somebody to rush to the nearest pharmacy and get it.

This drug helps in faster recovery when you are admitted to a hospital.

  1. Ecosprin tablets use (aspirin) are the treatment of choice, immediately after having a heart attack, advised by your doctor which could reduce heart damage by helping to keep your blood from clotting.

What causes a Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)

When one or more coronary arteries are blocked, preventing the flow of blood, you get a heart attack. Over a period build up of cholesterol or fats present in your blood vessels (atherosclerosis) narrows down the arteries.

Most heart attacks are caused by coronary artery diseases, as discussed above. The plaques formed by cholesterol and other fats can rupture, and start moving in the bloodstream.

At the rupture site, a blood clot may be formed. A big size blood clot may prevent the flow of blood in the coronary artery, causing an ischemic heart when the supply of oxygen becomes poor or nil.

The patient experiences a partial or complete blockage due to this phenomenon. A partial blockage means, having a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEM).

A complete blockage means ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEM). Treatment may vary, as per the diagnosis. A spasm of a coronary artery that impedes blood flow to a section of the heart muscle may be another cause of myocardial infarction.

Consuming banned drugs or tobacco may cause this type of spasm.

What are the risk factors for getting a heart attack?

If the narrowing of the coronary arteries can be prevented in a person, the risk of having a heart attack is very much reduced.


If you have been diagnosed as having a possibility of having a heart attack by the hospital emergency. Ecosprin tablet uses are recommended by your physician or cardiologist and may also add statins, clopidogrel, warfarin or ace inhibitors. Please take your medicines daily, and preferably at the same time. Lifestyle modification, intake of nutritious food and beverages, daily exercise or yoga are essential to prevent a heart attack.