If you are in an industry that uses liquid fertilizers and crop protection products, then naturally, you need to invest in dripping trays.
Having dripping trays on board will make life easier, as they will make sure that you collect your leaked or spilt fertilizers or crop protection products. This ensures that they do not leak further, also preventing damage on the floor or on the crops. Trust me, these dripping trays are more important than what you think, especially if you are operating in the fertilizer industry.
But do you know what is equally important? Invest in the right dripping tray that meets all your needs and requirements. To help, I have rounded up everything you might want to consider, before ordering your first drip tray bunnings.
The material
What you will store on the dripping trays, usually has a strong corrosive effect, and materials that aren’t resistant to them, fail. For instance, materials such as steel are non-resistant to many types of acids that can be stored in the dripping tray.
Your ideal choice would be to go for trays made up of High-Density Polyethylene, or Polypropylene Plastic. These materials are inflexible, strong and water repellent, and this makes them highly resistant to chemicals such as aggressive acids and alkalis.
Dripping trays vary in shape, and there are different shapes suitable for either can, barrels, and IBC Containers. First, you need to decide upon the shape of the dripping tray you want, and then move on to the capacity.
Next up, while deciding the capacity, the law has prescribed that your purchased dripping tray should be at least 110% of your largest packing to be placed within.
If you have three items, each of 200 litres, 150 litres, and 100 litres, then, your dripping tray should have a capacity of at least 110% of 200 litres, that is 220 litres.
GRP Gates
When it comes to GRP Gates, dripping trays come in two variants, one with GRP Gate and the other without GRP Gate. GRP stands for Glass Reinforced Plastic, which is a very strong gate and is attached to the top of the dripping tray.
If you buy a dripping tray with a GRP Gate, it means that you will have to place drums, cans, and IBC containers on top of it. This ensures more collection capacity and you will not have to lift the products into the drip tray. In case you are buying drip trays without GRP Gate, you will have to place them within the dripping tray.
The need to separate acidic and basic products
If you are someone who needs to deal with both, acidic, as well as basic products by nature, then there is a need that you have to separate dripping trays for acidic and basic products.
This is because certain undiluted liquid fertilizers, acidic and basic in nature, when comes in contact with each other, unintentional contamination may occur.
Now that you know what you need to look into before buying dripping trays, let me tell you what you need to do to make the best use of the dripping trays.
Placement of dripping trays
You need to ensure that the floor is clean, even and at the same time is placed horizontally. Also, don’t place or install pipes or any other objects, because this might cause leakage.
Emptying the dripping trays
Once there is a leak in the dripping tray, you are dealing with chemical waste, which needs to be handled by the municipalities where the company is located.
But what you need to do is, empty the dripping tray immediately and clean it. So, if there is a leak, you are limiting the danger.
Over to you…
In the end, I would like to wrap up with the fact that it is always wise to invest without limiting yourself while buying dripping trays. This is because you cannot look at dripping trays as an expense but as an investment.