Top Tricks When Painting Your Home

Painting your property can be a real slog, especially if you are inexperienced and don’t know all the tricks of the trade. Here are some handy hints and tips which you should take advantage of if you’re painting your property in the very near future.

Whether you are completely renovating your whole house or simply giving your living room a little spruce up, these tips will save you money and will allow you to cut a few corners!

Properly Clean Your Brushes

If you’re like most people, when you’ve finished painting a room, you probably chuck all your equipment in the bin and swear you won’t paint ever again! However, if you think you will paint again you should always clean your brushes. For a really deep clean, use vinegar to really remove all the paint. Recycle your brushes and you won’t have to pick any brushes out ever again!

Eliminate Paint Roller Fuzz

Paint rollers are amazing tools that will enable you to cover big walls and ceilings in a relatively short space of time. Before you begin using your roller you should use some tape to pull of any debris and lint that is on your roller. This will ensure that when you use the paint roller, it will provide your walls and ceilings with an amazing finish!

Easily Paint Corners

Corners can be a real headache to paint because you have to be very careful not to drop paint. There is also a very big risk that you will paint unsightly lines so use a paint edger and combine this with a stir stick. Use this to cover even the hardest corners and you will find that your paint is applied very professionally.

Eliminate Those Fumes

One of the worst things about painting your property is fumes. So before you begin painting, add some vanilla extract to each pot of paint that you use. Stir it in well and you will get rid of all those annoying fumes. The great thing is that vanilla extract won’t affect the paint and you’ll be able to enjoy your newly painted walls without any bad odours!

Manage Your Paint

When painting, it is incredibly easy to drop paint in places you really don’t want to drop paint! A neat trick you can use is to add a rubber band to your paint can. When you dip in your paintbrush for some paint, wipe off any excess paint on the rubber band. This will ensure that you have just the right amount of paint on your paintbrush, and you’ll avoid any nasty spills!

Easily Remove Tape

The tape is an excellent tool to protect surfaces that you don’t want to paint. However, tape has a nasty habit of removing paint when you have finished. A great way to remove the tape without affecting the surface is by using a hairdryer. A hairdryer will warm up the tape and allow you to easily pull it off without damaging your newly painted wall.

Quickly Remove Paint Lines

If you’re new to painting it is incredibly easy to leave paint lines and paint drips on your surface. If you’ve got too many unsightly lines to use a small razor blade to eliminate these.  Carefully scrape them off and you will be amazed at the results.

Hopefully, these tips have helped. If you’ve got any you’d like to share, then why not let us know!