Touching video shows doe rescuing her frightened baby deer as she’s stranded in middle of a road

  • Mother deer rescues her fawn on a road in Port Orchard, Washington
  • Video shows frightened frawn stuck in middle of the road
  • Mother deer approaches her and nudges her to get out of danger 

A mother deer came to the rescue of her fawn who appeared stuck in the middle of a highway in Washington state.

A driver uploaded video on Instagram on Sunday showing a doe walking toward her fawn on a highway in Port Orchard.

A mother deer came to the rescue of her fawn who appeared stuck in the middle of a highway in Washington state

The fawn appears to be frozen in fear as the mother comes over to nudge her to safety

The fawn appears to be frozen in fear as the mother comes over to nudge her to safety

The fawn then gets up and walks with the mother off the road and toward safety

The fawn then gets up and walks with the mother off the road and toward safety

Jessie Larson, who filmed the scene, said she turned off her car engine so as not to frighten the animals

Jessie Larson, who filmed the scene, said she turned off her car engine so as not to frighten the animals

When the mother found her offspring, she approached it as it was lying down on its stomach.

The fawn is then seen being nudged to move off the highway.

The adorable video generated close to 200,000 views on Instagram as of Sunday night.

Jessie Larson was overjoyed to be there to capture the moment on video.

Larson, a local resident, was driving on Baby Doll Road in Port Orchard when she came upon the scene. 

She turned her car engine off, she said, so the fawn’s mother wouldn’t be scared off.  
