The mother of Track Palin’s son has broken her silence about the domestic violence she suffered after he choked her when she was seven months pregnant and attacked her while she held their weeks-old baby.
Jordan Loewe spoke to DailyMailTV about her ordeal at the hands of the troubled veteran, who she said was obsessed by guns, and also shared phone calls of his chilling death threats.
DailyMailTV has viewed records of the calls made to Jordan from a number registered to Track Palin.
In one call from 2016, Track says: ‘Obviously, if you’re coming out here, and you’re going to bring anybody else out here, then your person who you’re going to bring out here is a hostile intent, and I’m going to treat him like a hostile intent I’m going to put him in the ground. I’m going to bury him.’
Jordan told DailyMailTV: ‘This is a violent person. This is a really dangerous, unstable person. I started recording him and saving every voicemail he left me.’
The 24-year-old revealed the physical assaults, harassment and psychological torture she endured as her ex awaits trial for assaulting his father at the Palin family compound in Wasilla, Alaska last month.
DailyMailTV has reached out to legal representatives of Track Palin for comment. Track Palin, 28, was convicted of weapons misuse under the influence in plea bargain in which he agreed to complete an alcohol-related treatment program.
Speaking out: Jordan Loewe says she is telling her story to DailyMailTV because she has found the strength and wants other women to do the same. She reveals how Track Palin attacked her as she held their son Charlie in her arms when he was just a few weeks old, prompting her to finally leave him

Happy times: At the beginning of their relationship, Jordan Loewe said there were ‘a couple of red flags’ but ‘nothing that really alarmed me’. But she has told DailyMailTV of the time they spent together becoming increasingly violent and abusive

Awaiting trial: Track Palin was photographed by DailyMailTV just before Christmas after finally being freed on house arrest after an alleged attack on his father, Todd, at the home he and Sarah Palin share

Injuries: The extent of Todd Palin’s facial injuries were revealed his wife on New Year’s Eve on social media. Jordan Loewe says she had hoped Track was improving until the alleged assault
A domestic violence protective order was put in place by the state of Alaska to keep Track away from Jordan but has since expired.
Jordan, whose son Charlie is 16 months, says that she was prompted to tell her story after seeing other victims come forward as part of the #MeToo movement.
She hopes that her experiences can help others in abusive relationships. She told DailyMailTV: ‘From the outside, abusive relationships are hard to comprehend.
‘People think, ‘You’re being abused? Just leave.’ It seems so simple but it’s not. These perpetrators are people we know, we love and we trust.
‘I’m finally accepting of what happened to me and I want to talk about it. Not because I want people to hear my sob story but because it’s not just me, it’s happening everywhere.
‘I feel like I’m a pretty confident, regular girl but many people don’t have the support system that I have.
‘You have to know it’s not your fault, you did nothing to deserve this. That took me a long time to understand.
‘No one deserves to live in fear for their life, to be tortured or abused. We overcome by talking and telling the truth.’
The college graduate, who works full-time as a patient care technician on the surgery wing of a local hospital, met Track through mutual friends in the summer 2014. At the time he was divorced from the mother of his daughter.
They began a relationship at the beginning of 2015. For six months they had a ‘pretty normal’ relationship, Jordan said, but that changed when Palin took a contracting job in Iraq.
He previously served as a U.S. Army reservist and is known to have deployed to Iraq for a year in 2008 although details of his combat duty are not available, ADN has previously reported.
Jordan said: ‘At the beginning, there were a couple of red flags but nothing that really alarmed me. When he left, he became very controlling and possessive about who I was with, where I was, who my guy friends and girlfriends were.
‘He was checking in at every location that I was at. He blamed it on being out of the country and I blamed it on that too, because he wasn’t like that before.’

Facade: Although Jordan Loewe’s relationship with Track Palin may have appeared normal, he increasingly isolated her from her friends and was jealous and controlling

Contact: Track Palin went to Iraq as a contractor early in his relationship with Jordan Loewe, but bombarded her, her family and friends with calls. Despite her concerns, they remained an item when he returned, with Jordan rationalizing that Iraq had been difficult for him

When he returned from Iraq, Jordan said she and Track took a number of trips together, including to Las Vegas, Arizona and Kentucky, but didn’t socialize a great deal. ‘Track was very possessive about me and going out in public and being around my old group of friends,’ Jordan said.
As the long-distance relationship progressed, the phone calls and messages became relentless.
‘It was out of control. I think he had a lot of free time. He was stuck in a building with Wi-Fi and could blow up my phone with texts and calls.
‘If I said I was with my friends, he would call them. He just needed reassurance 100 per cent of the day, all the time.
‘He had no boundaries on who to call, when to call, how many times to call. If I blocked his number, he had calling cards that showed up as different numbers.’
Jordan decided to ‘tough it out’ and deal with the problems when Track returned to Alaska.
‘I had no idea the extent of what the problems were going to be,’ she added. When he returned from Iraq, Jordan said she and Track took a number of trips together, including to Las Vegas, Arizona and Kentucky, but didn’t socialize a great deal.
‘Track was very possessive about me and going out in public and being around my old group of friends,’ Jordan said.
‘He was so threatened by my girlfriends, guy friends, my family, my brother – anybody. He didn’t want me around them.
‘He tried to make everybody in my life out to be a bad person and would find any flaws they had as people and make them well known to me.’
Loewe says that she became increasingly isolated. ‘It was one thing at a time. Track was very paranoid.
‘He didn’t like any of my male friends and said there was no reason for me to be texting any guys when I was in a relationship. I would argue that there was no problem and I wanted him to be their friend too.
‘We went back and forth arguing, Finally, I gave up and I agreed to stop [texting them].’
Palin then decided that her Loewe’s girlfriends were not suitable, and would refer to them as ‘peasants’.

‘He said he has PTSD, Iraq messed him up, his family and the media messes him up. His kids getting taken away messed him up.’ Track returned from Iraq the first time to be greeted by his daughter Kyla, who is now six. But he is now divorced from her mother
Loewe said: ‘Anything he could think of – they go out too much, they sleep around, they don’t have college educations, they don’t have good family structure.
‘He would tell me, ‘Your best friend Maddie, she’s homeless, she can’t afford anything, and she doesn’t have a real job.’
‘He would text, call and FaceTime my friends and try to turn them against me.’
Things came to a head in January 2016 when Track seriously assaulted Jordan for the first time.
Jordan said that Track’s drinking was an issue and although he didn’t drink often, when he did he would become dangerously intoxicated.
‘Our relationship was very off and on, but we would meet up to talk. I went out to Wasilla and it was the same old story. He’s manipulative – he knows what to say and how to say it.
‘He told me he was sorry and he had Bible verses of things he’s going to do to change.
‘He would have this whole presentation for me. That night he told me he was going to change and we were going to be better together. I was sick of it all.
‘The next day, he said, ‘Let’s go to dinner.’ We started drinking wine and then kept drinking. We didn’t have anything to do the next day, so we planned a fun, happy night.’
The date soured when Jordan received a text message while they were driving to Sarah and Todd Palin’s home in Wasilla after dinner, where Track was living at the time.
‘He wanted to see who the text was from but I wouldn’t show him my phone. We were in his car and at this point, I was ready to leave,’ she said.
‘I wanted to get in my in car and go home. He was trying to get my phone out of my hand and I was very adamant that he was not getting it.
‘I wouldn’t give him my phone and he pushed me on the ground. I was laying and he was on top of me, and still just trying to pull it out of my hands and was hitting me in the face, telling me to let go, let go, just give it to me.
‘I wouldn’t give it to him so he started kicking me and kneeing me and finally got it out of my hands and threw it across the driveway [of the Palin family home].
‘I found my phone and the screen was cracked but I tried to call 911 and it wasn’t working. I wanted to get out of there and go hide but he had my keys so I couldn’t leave.’
Jordan went into the house to retrieve her car keys and found Track sitting in the living room holding his mother’s pink-camo AR-15 rifle to his head. It had been a gift from Ted Nugent, the rocker known for his conservative views.

Suicide threat: Track Palin put his mother’s pink camo AR-15 to his head and threatened to pull the trigger after attacking Jordan in the driveway of his parents’ home in Wasilla, Jordan Loewe told DailyMailTV. Police had noted the same account

Police file: This was the police report of how Track Palin attacked Jordan Loewe at the Palin family home in Wasilla

New life: Track Palin’s reaction to the news that Jordan Loewe was pregnant at first convinced her that they should try to be together. ‘He really wanted a child he could take care of and be a part of their life on a regular basis. He knew that God would bring us back together. I felt very differently but nonetheless we had the same goal and that was to raise our baby,’ she said

Come back: During her pregnancy, Jordan Loewe found the courage to leave but Palin arrived at her place of work with flowers and tried to convince her he had changed

Ups and downs: Track Palin wrote this letter as he tried to win back his pregnant then ex-girlfriend. But when they were reunited, he turned violent again
‘I just stopped and stared at him. In the driveway, I had called him a ‘p****’ because I was angry.
Then he said, ‘I want you to call me that one more time and I’ll shoot myself. Do you want to say any last words to me before I kill myself?
”Are you going to feel guilty that I killed myself because of you, all because you wouldn’t let me see your phone?’
‘I couldn’t say anything. He put the barrel of the gun in his mouth. I was just standing there, still trying to call 911.
‘I ran out of the house and he followed me. It was dark and I ended up coming in a side door and running up to his little brother’s room and hiding under bed.
‘About ten minutes later, I heard the police and it was the biggest relief.’
Track was arrested and spent the night in jail. According to the police report, Jordan told an officer that ‘Palin… struck her on the left side of her head near her eye with a closed fist’.
The report said Palin kicked her while she was in the fetal position and that she said he ‘cocked the gun’ and was ‘holding the rifle out next to him… with the barrel just away from his face pointed to the side’.
He was charged with assault, interfering with the report of a domestic violence crime and possessing a weapon while intoxicated.
The first two charges were dropped in July 2016 when Track agreed to plead guilty to misconduct involving weapons while being under the influence.
A domestic violence protective order was put in place by the state of Alaska to keep Track away from Jordan, and he agreed to complete an alcohol-related treatment. The Anchorage DA’s office said in July 2016 thatTrack planned to enter a therapeutic program for ‘several months’ to deal with PTSD.
Jordan said that he never completed the PTSD program.
‘Track was apologetic, said he did need help and would go to counselling. But when it came down to getting the help, he didn’t believe that anyone or anything could help him. He’s had so many opportunities, so many different times.
He was unlucky and dealt a bad hand. If his Mom wasn’t famous – these things wouldn’t have happened. ‘If he hadn’t been sent to Iraq – this wouldn’t have happened. Or else, it’s his ex-wife’s fault or my fault. Track doesn’t think he’s made his life terrible.
Jordan Loewe on what Track Palin thinks
‘I don’t know where he stands mentally – he’s all over the place. He said he has PTSD, Iraq messed him up, his family and the media messes him up. His kids getting taken away messed him up.
‘[He believes] that he was unlucky and dealt a bad hand. If his Mom wasn’t famous – these things wouldn’t have happened.
‘If he hadn’t been sent to Iraq – this wouldn’t have happened. Or else, it’s his ex-wife’s fault or my fault. Track doesn’t think he’s made his life terrible.’
Following the assault, Track’s father and a friend cleared his home of guns, Jordan said.
‘There were 25, 30 guns in the house – from shotguns and hunting rifles to pistols, assault rifles,’ Jordan said.
‘He’s a gun fanatic. They are hidden in different places – his car, hunting bag, garage, bedside table, storage unit.
‘You can take away the guns that you see but he knows where other guns are hidden.
‘Even after there were no guns – there were still guns. He has friends who would bring him a gun or would buy him a gun.
‘There will never be a day that Track doesn’t have access to a gun if he’s not in jail.’
Jordan said that Track often carried a gun with him and in particular when he was around strangers.
‘It was a regular thing that when he was yelling and mad, he had a gun in his hand.
‘After a while it didn’t even faze me. Looking back that’s so crazy. He never pointed a gun at me but he has had a gun in his hand, telling me he was going to kill me. He has put a gun to his head and in his mouth multiple times.’

In the family: Pregnant Jordan Loewe (second from right with Track) was surrounded by the Palins including from left Dakota Meyer, holding his daughter Sailor, his wife Bristol Palin, her sister Willow, their brother Trigg, mom Sarah, father Todd, and sister Piper

New father: Although he held his son Charlie tenderly just after his birth, Track Palin had assaulted Jordan Loewe when she was seven months pregnant, she told DailyMailTV

Built home: This was the home which Track Palin built for his young family but which his then girlfriend Jordan Loewe fled in terror when their son was just a few weeks old

Family time: Jordan Loewe is now bringing up Charlie as a single mom, and says Track Palin has not paid full child support or used all the court-allotted visitation time he was given with his son
Following the January 2016 assault, Jordan had no contact with Track but in March, she found out she was pregnant.
‘It was a really tough time,’ she said. ‘After a lot of thinking and being scared, I decided to tell Track that I was pregnant and I was going through with it.
‘He had a way different reaction than I did – he was so excited, it was his dream to have another kid. He didn’t have much custody of his daughter [Kyla, from his marriage to Britta Hanson].
‘He really wanted a child he could take care of and be a part of their life on a regular basis.
‘He knew that God would bring us back together. I felt very differently but nonetheless we had the same goal and that was to raise our baby.’
At this point, the assault case against Palin was still open but he pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm while intoxicated and the other charges were dismissed.
Sarah Palin indicated that post-traumatic stress disorder might have been a factor in that case.
Jordan said he was supposed to attend classes to deal with domestic violence, alcohol and substance abuse and anger management.
The apparent turning over of a new leaf was enough to convince Jordan that they should reunite.
She moved to Track’s hometown of Wasilla, an hour’s drive from Anchorage.
Jordan said: ‘I was just so lost, I didn’t know what to do. I was scared to be a parent.
‘Track said our baby needed a house and a nursery. He convinced me that living in Wasilla was the first step, to be surrounded by family – his family. I was scared and naive so I said okay.’
Track bought a property lot to build a family home. Jordan moved to Wasilla in May 2016 but Track’s possessiveness became more intense now that Jordan was pregnant.
‘I was six months pregnant and had a friend’s birthday dinner to go to on a Tuesday night after work.
‘He was so worried that I was going to drink because the restaurant had a bar and other people would be drinking. Obviously, I was not going to drink, I’m a responsible adult.
‘I told him I would text when I was leaving but it wasn’t good enough, he needed an exact time.
‘At the dinner, he was calling and texting people at the table, wanting to know who was there.
‘Thirty minutes later, he showed up and said, ‘I’m here to get her, we have to go. I’ll pay her tab, let’s go.’
‘I was mortified and I just left with him because I was scared and I didn’t want people to know that’s how terrible our relationship was at that point.’
Jordan added: ‘The question everybody asks, and it’s really easy to ask, is, ‘Why did you put up with it? Why didn’t you just leave?’
‘That question used to be really hard for me because I didn’t know the answer.
‘I would try to leave – at one point during my pregnancy, I got my own apartment. He would show up and knock on the door and windows for an hour. I would have to turn off my phone because he wouldn’t stop calling.
‘I would shut all the blinds and lock the door. But he would just bang and bang.’
Over the summer months, Track’s explosive outbursts continued. ‘He would swing from manic, violent, yelling and calling me names to I’ll do anything, here’s money, here’s fresh flowers. It was two extremes.’
But Jordan didn’t tell anyone the extent of their problems.
‘I felt this need to stick up for him because I had so many times before. I felt that I was buried so far down this hole with him.’
The cycle of violence continued and escalated.
‘He started out calling me names and tearing me down, telling me I had gained too much weight in my pregnancy, that no guy would ever want me and I was lucky to have him.
‘He told me I was a ‘178lb c***’. He actually called me that twice, once on the phone and once in a voicemail.
‘Then it would be an argument and he would punch the wall next to my head trying to scare me. He would spit in my face.

Father: Jordan’s father Matthew Loewe, 49, is among those who have helped her rebuild her life after leaving Track Palin
‘He would throw hard objects at me. Then it was grabbing my arms, squeezing me and I would try to leave his house and he would be pulling me on to the ground, telling me I’m not leaving.’
Jordan said she feared for her life when he assaulted her at seven months pregnant.
‘He put his hands around my neck and choked me. ‘He said, ‘If you tell anybody about this, I will put your dad in the ground. I will kill your family dog. And if you think your brother is going to save him, he’s not. I’ll kill him too.’
‘That sounds crazy – but when someone’s looking at you, who has pulled guns multiple times, and has this crazy switch, I believed him.
‘He would say, “Go ahead, see if the cops will save you. While they are saving you, I’ll go kill your family.'”
‘What do you do in that situation? I didn’t know what the right answer was.’
On other occasions, he would bully her into silence.
‘If I told him he could go to jail for hitting me, he would say, “You think the police are going to believe you? The hormonal pregnant girl over me? Go on, call them. That would be a hilarious story.”‘
Jordan gave birth to their son, Charlie, on September 19, 2016. Although she hoped that his son’s birth would improve Track and give him a reason to work on his issues, she and her son were soon in danger.
‘I had just gone back to work so Charlie was maybe six or seven weeks old. I started caring about how I looked again and fitting into my old clothes.
‘When I was pregnant I didn’t do my hair or wear makeup, I just kind of gave up.
‘I had curled my hair for work that day and put on makeup. I had come home straight from work after picking up Charlie and I was rocking him to sleep in his nursery.
‘Track came in and saw my hair was curled and I was wearing makeup. He turned on the lights and said, ‘Why do you look like that? Where did you go? What did you do today?’
“Go ahead and give our son one more embarrassing headline to read when he grows up. Call the police, I dare you
Text from Track Palin to Jordan Loewe
‘I told him I just wanted to look good and feel good and that I was trying to put Charlie to sleep.
‘He started screaming, “There’s no way, who are you working with? Did someone get hired at your work? What did you do after work? What time did you leave work? Where did you go when you left work?”
‘Charlie was now awake and screaming. I said I’m going to leave, I’m not doing this.
‘He shoves me back down and tells me I’m not leaving. This is while I’m holding Charlie who is 8lb, he was really little. I was really scared because this is the first time he had pushed me while I’m holding Charlie.
‘I stand up and dart for the door and he grabs me by the shoulders. He tells me I’m not leaving, I live here now and I need to grow up.
‘He shoved me onto the floor and I didn’t want to let a single hand off of Charlie, so I couldn’t catch myself or anything, and I fall to the floor with Charlie in my arms
‘I run to my car and set Charlie in the carrier and lock all the doors. I’m hiding in the backseat with him trying to get Track away from us. He’s banging on the windows and throwing rocks at the car.
‘I buckle Charlie in, climb into the front seat, start my car and go down the driveway. It was a gravel driveway so he’s picking up handfuls of rocks and throwing them at my car.
‘I’m a mile down the road and I see his car, his big F150 truck, behind me in my rear-view mirror and I don’t know what to do. He’s swerving into my lane as I’m getting on to the highway.
‘He keeps swerving and I’m terrified we are going to get into an accident with my baby in the back seat, so I pull over.
‘I have a text from Track which reads: “Go ahead and give our son one more embarrassing headline to read when he grows up. Call the police, I dare you.”
‘All I could think about was Charlie. Track was right – I didn’t want to call the police, I didn’t want another blow up. I just sat there and cried. Finally, I drove to Anchorage and he followed me but eventually turned around.’
Jordan said: ‘That was when I finally left. My son’s life was in danger so many times in that day.
‘I don’t know why it took that long but that was where I drew the line. I didn’t care if I had to live in a box with my son – I’m not letting him live through this hell.
‘Charlie’s going to have a dead mom and a dad in prison if I don’t leave. I felt that Track was going to kill me or kill both of us.’
I know where you are, you’re in your living room, and I can see you. If anyone comes into this driveway, they’ll be shot. I don’t care if they are a cop, your family, a friend
Track Palin’s call to his ex
Jordan drove to her best friend’s house that night and for the first time, told her in detail about the litany of the abuse.
The friend confirmed Jordan’s account to DailyMailTV.
‘I had never told anyone the extent of his actions,’ Jordan said. ‘No one knew the truth of his violence. I felt things had gotten so bad that I didn’t know how I would ever explain to someone how I got there.’
Jordan stayed in Anchorage but the threats continued, one night in particular making her believe he was right outside.
‘He said, “I know where you are, you’re in your living room, and I can see you. If anyone comes into this driveway, they’ll be shot. I don’t care if they are a cop, your family, a friend.”
‘I don’t know if he’s being crazy, sitting at home or sitting outside my home with a gun. I was living in fear for a while.
‘A couple of days later, I filed a restraining order. Track obeyed the order which I was so thankful for but since then, it’s expired.’
Jordan said that it was Charlie who gave her the strength to finally break out of the toxic cycle of her relationship.
‘I attribute where I am right now to Charlie. He gave me the strength to leave. When my life was in danger that wasn’t enough. I left when Charlie’s life was in danger.’
Following a custody case in court, Jordan was awarded full physical custody of Charlie and Track had supervised visits for four hours a week.
Jordan said: ‘The deal was he had to go to the classes for substance abuse and anger management, counselling, and have a psychological evaluation. He agreed to it.
‘I said that once he had completed all of this, his visits with Charlie don’t have to be supervised.
‘He never did any of it – but he didn’t ask to see Charlie once a week either. In 2017, I think he saw Charlie nine times when he could have seen him 52 times.’
Jordan said that she is essentially raising Charlie as a single mother, both in physical care and financially.
‘Track is supposed to pay me child support and he makes payments when he can afford it. I think a couple of months ago was my last check, I got $100 dollars.’
She said that contact had been minimal and that she had hoped that his life had finally calmed down – until the alleged assault on his father.

Changed: ‘Just looking at how my life is now versus how I was living in pure hell, its crazy. I was living in denial. I was so brainwashed and trying so hard to keep him happy so that he didn’t erupt,’ Jordan Loewe told DailyMailTV

Ongoing case: Jordan Loewe has applied for Track Palin’s visitation rights to be curtailed after his alleged attack on his father Todd. The case wa ssealed by a judge and is ongoing

Inspiration: ‘I attribute where I am right now to Charlie. He gave me the strength to leave. When my life was in danger that wasn’t enough. I left when Charlie’s life was in danger.’
Track Palin pleaded not guilty last week to assaulting his father, Todd, at the family’s Wasilla home in December.
The judge set Palin’s trial for the week of February 26. Jordan applied to the court to change Track’s visitation rights to their son after his alleged assault on his father.
On December 28, Palin filed a motion in opposition to Jordan’s attempt to take away his visitation.
The court papers were sealed by a judge.
‘I filed for a change in our custody because there has been a change in circumstances. Track filed in opposition, saying this event did not involve Charlie and me and he is still a fine and capable father.
‘This isn’t about Charlie, this is about Track being able to say he’s a dad and he didn’t lose custody.’
Jordan credits her family, close friends and two years of intensive counselling to getting her where she is today.
One of the people she is most grateful for is Britta Hanson, Track’s ex-wife and mother of his daughter, six-year-old Kyla. Hanson also filed a protective order preventing Track from coming near her and Kyla.
Palin is not allowed near Hanson’s home, her daughter’s school and is not able to call his ex or daughter.
‘Britta has been a big help to me with everything I’ve had to go through. She was with Track for a long time.
‘I don’t want to speak to any of her experiences but as soon as everything happened with Track and I, she reached out and wanted to help. She’s a great mom and Kyla is a great girl. That’s Charlie’s sister, so we keep in contact.’
She added: ‘Just looking at how my life is now versus how I was living in pure hell, its crazy. I was living in denial. I was so brainwashed and trying so hard to keep him happy so that he didn’t erupt.’
Palin was photographed exclusively by DailyMailTV in December carrying his belongings in a plastic bag as he returned to his home.
He had spent five days in jail for the alleged domestic assault and was released on bail with electronic monitoring.
However Jordan said there is still a part of her which looks over her shoulder.
‘I do believe that Track could kill somebody and there is no doubt in my mind that if he was mad enough, he would come after me. It’s always in the back of my head.
‘I scan every room and store I walk into and watch my back. He’s a dangerous and scary person and anything will set him off.
‘That’s a legitimate fear I have but I also try not to live in fear because I have to keep going and try to be happy.’
She added: ‘I just had hope that he’ll turn around, he’ll do better. He will see what a great son he has and that will motivate him.
‘I want people to know and the best thing you can do is come forward and tell the truth. The truth will get you as far as you need to go.’