Helping your child with their homework can be a stressful experience – particularly when you’re unsure of the correct answers yourself.
But few might expect to find themselves confused over a task set for a four-year-old.
Mother Annie Jordan, from Plymouth, revealed how she had been left completely stumped over one question set for her four-year-old daughter – and many others were just as baffled when it was shared online.
The homework sheet features a series of pictures, with pupils required to write what they are in the boxes next to them. However, the last question on the sheet left many children – and their parents – completely baffled

The question was shared on Facebook by Annie Jordan, from Plymouth, asking for help with the correct answer
Annie shared the homework on Facebook, writing: ‘Right please someone tell me what the last one is, because I literally don’t have a clue!’
The sheet features a series of pictures, with pupils required to write what they are in the boxes next to them.
The first five answers, which were all three-letter words such as ‘pan’ and ‘tap’, had already been filled in by Annie’s daughter.

Many thought the correct answer was ice, while another suggestion was the word ‘net’

However, others pointed out that the answer could not be ice as it was not a CVC word, which consists of a consonant, vowel, consonant

Other guesses included ‘wet’ or even ‘hall’, with some ruling out ‘rink’ as being too different from the other ‘simple’ CVC words
However, the last question – which features a picture of what looks like an ice rink – proved to be a stumbling block.
Some Facebook users suggested that the correct answer was ‘ice’.
However, others pointed out that this could not be right because the top of the sheet states they are all CVC words, which consist of a consonant, vowel, consonant.

Annie later confirmed that the correct answer was indeed ‘rink’, after asking the teacher

Another Facebook user explained that in phonics rink would still count as a CVC word
Other suggestions for the final picture included ‘net’, ‘wet’ and ‘rink’, although some suggested that the latter did not fit into the CVC pattern.
Annie later confirmed that the teacher had told her the correct answer is indeed ‘rink’.
Explaining the answer, another Facebook user posted: ‘In phonics this would count as a CvC as three sounds r i nk’.