Truck driver miraculously survives crash and 10-metre fall

  • A man has somehow survived a 10m fall after his truck plunged from an off-ramp
  • Emergency crews were able to cut him out of the wrecked truck at Dynon Road 
  • The driver was then rushed to hospital with serious injuries on Friday afternoon

A man has miraculously escaped with his life after his semi-trailer fell ten metres from an on-ramp on a Melbourne highway.

Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) crews rushed to the Dynon Road at West Melbourne on Friday afternoon to attend an incident involving a semi-trailer.

The vehicle plunged ten metres from the Bolte Bridge on-ramp, seriously injuring the driver and trapping him in the vehicle’s cabin.

The Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade work to free the driver from his wrecked truck cabin

The driver miraculously survived the ten-metre plunge and was transported to the hospital

The driver miraculously survived the ten-metre plunge and was transported to the hospital

Despite his injuries, he survived and was cut free from the tangled wreck with the help of Ambulance Victoria before being transported to hospital.  

‘MFB remained on-scene until engineers determined that it was safe to remove the wreckage,’ said a statement released on Saturday morning. 

‘Great work from our crews and those from Victoria Police and Ambulance Victoria who assisted.’

Plenty of people took to Facebook to praise the Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade and express their relief that the man lived to tell the tale.

‘I am so glad he survived well done to our emergency crews,’ wrote a commenter, adding, ‘Thank you so much for staying at the scene.’

One praised the consistent work of the responders: ‘How?! Glad driver survived, good work as per normal to emergency crews!’ while another agreed that they’d done a ‘great job’ at ‘what they do best’.

 The vehicle plunged ten metres from the Bolte Bridge on-ramp, seriously injuring the driver

 The vehicle plunged ten metres from the Bolte Bridge on-ramp, seriously injuring the driver

However, some took the opportunity to criticise the infrastructure that allowed such a tragedy to occur.

‘Waiting for the day something like this happens on the off-ramp to the Westgate heading to the Burnley Tunnel,’ wrote one pessimistic person.

‘If this can happen on a “low speed”‘ on-ramp, the barriers aren’t going to stop a truck at speed on an off-ramp.’