Trump orders NEW JFK coverup, delays releasing some files

  • White House will allow CIA and FBI to black out portions of some JFK assassination documents for six months while they justify the edits
  • Trump had said he was going to lift the ‘veil’ of secrecy on Thursday
  • 1992 law required the president to release all the government’s documents related to the 1963 assassination by Thursday
  • But it gave the White House a national security loophole and Trump is taking it

The White House will allow intelligence, law enforcement and military organizations to black out portions of documents related to the John F. Kennedy assassination.

President Trump has decided to allow intelligence, law enforcement and military agencies to take the next six months to justify their requests to redact specific pages.

A White House official told during a conference call that while Trump wants to remove the ‘veil’ of secrecy regarding the 1963 killing, he has ‘no choice today but to accept those redactions rather than risk irreversible harm’ to the country.

‘There does remain sensitive information in the records,’ the official said, often related to the identity of individuals involved, in their roles as informants.’

The official also said some edits would be made to hide ‘activities that were conducted with foreign partner agencies.’

The White House said that the files set for release on Thursday evening by the National Archives and Records Administration were only those that will be released ‘in full’ – and agencies will be able to roll out partially edited documents over the next week.

‘The vast majority of the requests came from the FBI and CIA,’ a White House official said.