Trump still complaining about McCain’s vote on Obamacare as he brags about 500 days in office

President Trump singled out Republican Sen. John McCain this morning as the reason that he was unable to fulfill a campaign pledge to repeal and replace Obamacare more than a year after taking office. 

Trump did not hammer the ailing senator by name in a tweet talking about his running tab of accomplishments 500 days into his four-year term in office.

However, he said that his health care agenda would have been done ‘except for one person’ as he argued that his administration is still chugging along.

President Trump singled out Republican Sen. John McCain this morning as the reason that he was unable to fulfill a campaign pledge to repeal and replace Obamacare more than a year after taking office

Trump did not hammer the ailing senator by name in a tweet talking about his running tab of accomplishments 500 days into his four-year term in office

Trump did not hammer the ailing senator by name in a tweet talking about his running tab of accomplishments 500 days into his four-year term in office

Trump has repeatedly chided McCain, sometimes by name, for the healthcare debacle

Trump has repeatedly chided McCain, sometimes by name, for the healthcare debacle

McCain was the sole GOP no vote when Republicans moved to overhaul the health care system last summer. But the Arizona lawmaker's opposition to the partisan measure after rushing back to Washington was a shock that Trump has not gotten over

McCain was the sole GOP no vote when Republicans moved to overhaul the health care system last summer. But the Arizona lawmaker’s opposition to the partisan measure after rushing back to Washington was a shock that Trump has not gotten over

McCain was the sole GOP no vote when Republicans moved to overhaul the health care system last summer. Susan Collins and and Lisa Murkowski also lent negative voices to the Senate debate.

The Arizona lawmaker’s opposition to the partisan measure after rushing back to Washington was a shock, and one that Trump has not gotten over.

He has repeatedly chided McCain, sometimes by name, for the healthcare debacle. 

His relationship with the former GOP nominee for president has become even more strained since a White House communications staffer suggested during a staff meeting that McCain’s vote no longer matters because he’s dying soon anyway.

The comment that leaked out of the White House drew a swift and stern rebuke from both sides of the aisle, particularly after the aide, Kelly Sadler, declined to apologize in public. 

Republicans eventually gutted the individual mandate portion of Obamacare via the tax reform bill the president signed into law in December. 

And Trump last week signed legislation giving terminally ill patients the ‘right to try’ experimental drugs that have not been approved by the FDA.

‘This is my 500th. Day in Office and we have accomplished a lot – many believe more than any President in his first 500 days. Massive Tax & Regulation Cuts, Military & Vets, Lower Crime & Illegal Immigration, Stronger Borders, Judgeships, Best Economy & Jobs EVER, and much more…’ Trump tweeted in an acknowledgement of the progress on his agenda that he has made with the help of Republicans in Congress.

He added: ‘We had Repeal & Replace done (and the saving to our country of one trillion dollars) except for one person, but it is getting done anyway. Individual Mandate is gone and great, less expensive plans will be announced this month. Drug prices coming down & Right to Try!  

In an interview with the Daily Caller celebrating the arbitrary anniversary, counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway added that ‘people are more prosperous, they’re more secure, the country is more respected on the world stage. Everything from the consumer confidence among small business owners, manufacturers, consumers, major employers in this country, is up.’ 

She said the one drawback had been ‘not having enough votes to pass even more legislation more quickly.’

On Fox & Friends on Monday morning she said that Trump is ‘making such great strides in a short order’ because there is now a ‘businessman in the White House.’

‘You have a master negotiator and deal-maker and disrupter,’ she insisted. ‘Everybody else had been a politician. And that includes President Obama.’

She said that while Obama was ‘looked upon as a change maker, yes we can, hope and change, it’s this president who has actually been making major changes.’

‘And people who deny the objective economic metrics at this point, really sound very petty and very peevish,’ the senior White House official added.