Trump’s 2020 campaign says it might SUE Omarosa for breaching 2016 non-disclosure agreement

President uses the N-word and other racial slurs

In ‘Unhinged,’ Omarosa says she was told he had been recorded using the N-word in outtakes from The Apprentice. 

Now she says she personally heard it after the book went to press: ‘When he talks that way, the way he did on this tape, it confirmed that he is truly a racist.’

In the book she claims he called Kellyanne Conway’s husband George, who is half-Filipino, ‘a goo-goo’ and a ‘flip.’

Isn’t competent to hold office

‘They continue to deceive this nation by how mentally declined he is, how difficult it is for him to process complex information. How he is not engaged in some of the most important decisions that impacts our country.’ 

She also writes: ‘Donald has only a surface-level understanding of the content he’s signing into law.’ 

Is in mental jeopardy

She writes of his interview with NBC News’s Lester Holt in which he addressed his firing of James Comey: ‘Donald rambled. He spoke gibberish. He contradicted himself from one sentence to the next. 

‘While watching the interview, I realized something real and serious was going on in Donald’s brain. They thought Trump was being Trump, off the cuff. But I knew something wasn’t right.’

Lies and leads an administration which lies 

‘This is a White House where everybody lies; the president lies to the American people,Sarah Huckabee [Sanders] stands in front of the country and lies every single day.’

Disparages his family

He called Jared Kushner ‘sweet’, a term for gay, and called Don Jr. ‘a f***-up’ after the notorious Trump Tower meeting with Russians, saying: ‘He screwed up again, but this time, he’s screwing us all, big time!’

Wanted sworn in on a copy of The Art of the Deal

Claims she told him: ‘It’s the greatest business book of all time. Just think how many copies I’d sell—maybe a commemorative inauguration copy?!’

… and what she says about John Kelly

Manigault-Newman says he is the real boss and that he has mistreated more people than just her.

‘John Kelly is running this White House,’ she said, ‘and Donald Trump has no clue what’s going on. He’s being puppeted, and that’s very dangerous for this nation.’  

‘Rob Porter is accused of allegedly abusing his wives. And you know what John Kelly said about Rob Porter? He said he was a man of great integrity. And he’s accusing me of integrity violations?’

… and about Melania

Omarosa says the First Lady wore the notorious ‘I really don’t care, do you?’ coat to visit separate immigrant children at the border solely to shame her husband – and it wasn’t the first time. 

‘The messages behind her style choices aren’t always clear, but they are never accidental. Taken as a whole, all of her style rebellions have served the same purpose, and not only misdirection and distraction – strategies her husband knows all too well. I believe Melania uses style to punish her husband.’  

… and about herself

I was complicit with this White House deceiving this nation. I had a blind spot where it came to Donald Trump.’

Unhinged will be released on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 and is available on Amazon