Trump’s days are now tailored around ‘executive time’

  • Axios is claiming that President Trump’s official days are getting shorter
  • The report comes from a copy of Trump’s schedule Axios obtained
  • While ‘executive time’ is meant to be spent in the Oval Office, it’s largely spent in Trump’s private residence

President Trump is spending an increasing amount of his day on social media and watching television, which his schedule has dubbed officially as ‘executive time’ – and his days in the Oval Office don’t actually begin in earnest until 11 a.m. each day, a report from Axios stated. 

The report states that Trump’s day begins at 8 a.m., but that he conducts business from his private residence in the White House rather than the Oval Office. This compares to George W. Bush, who often began his official day in the West Wing at 6:45 a.m.

In addition, Trump apparently shrunk his official schedule in order to spend more ‘executive time’ at the White House – which largely is spent tweeting and watching television. 

President Trump’s day is largely spent unstructured and with lots of ‘executive time’

Trump’ schedule hasn’t always been so brief – in the beginning of his term – it began earlier and ended later. 

White House aides say the president is always up to something, but the Axios report states that ‘his time in the residence is unstructured and undisciplined’.

 In response to the report, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, ‘The time in the morning is a mix of residence time and Oval Office time but he always has calls with staff, Hill members, cabinet members and foreign leaders during this time. The President is one of the hardest workers I’ve ever seen and puts in long hours and long days nearly every day of the week all year long.’

Trump’s days have gotten shorter since the beginning of his presidency in 2017