Trump’s labor secretary Alex Acosta at center of Epstein scandal after agreeing to sweetheart deal

The decision by federal prosecutors in New York to charge Jeffrey Epstein with sex trafficking of underage girls is once again calling into question the prosecution decisions by Trump labor Secretary Alex Acosta.

It was Acosta, then a U.S. attorney in Florida, who negotiated a 2008 deal that allowed Epstein to avoid federal criminal charges and serve 13 months – in an arrangement that victims were not notified about in advance. As part of the deal, Epstein pleaded guilty of solicitation of a minor for prostitution. 

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman declined to criticize that agreement when asked about it at a Monday press conference announcing the federal indictment – but made clear he would not be bound by it. 

Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta is under fire for the non-prosecution agreement he helped work out with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyers. Epstein was indicted on federal sex trafficking charges Monday

‘The Southern District of New York is not bound by that agreement and is not a signatory to that agreement,’ he told reporters. 

Berman told reporters not to read too much into the fact that attorneys from the public corruption unit were assisting in the case, and declined to comment further. 

A Miami Herald expose on the prosecution revealed new details of how Acosta, who later be nominated and confirmed to join Trump’s cabinet, negotiated the deal.

One of Epstein’s lawyers wrote to Acosta to ‘thank you for the commitment you made to me,’ during negotiations. It thanked him for the assurance not to contact ‘any of the identified individuals, potential witnesses or potential civil claimants.’

President Trump defended Acosta as labor secretary but said he knew little about the Epstein deal

President Trump defended Acosta as labor secretary but said he knew little about the Epstein deal

From left, American real estate developer Donald Trump and his girlfriend (and future wife), former model Melania Knauss, financier (and future convicted sex offender) Jeffrey Epstein, and British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell pose together at the Mar-a-Lago club, Palm Beach, Florida, February 12, 2000

From left, American real estate developer Donald Trump and his girlfriend (and future wife), former model Melania Knauss, financier (and future convicted sex offender) Jeffrey Epstein, and British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell pose together at the Mar-a-Lago club, Palm Beach, Florida, February 12, 2000

Acosta, the former United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, is under scrutiny for the deal he worked out with Epstein

Acosta, the former United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, is under scrutiny for the deal he worked out with Epstein

Elaine Chao, U.S. secretary of transportation, from right, speaks with Alexander Acosta, U.S. labor secretary, and Steven Mnuchin, U.S. Treasury secretary, during a "Be Best" initiative event in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, May 7, 2018

Elaine Chao, U.S. secretary of transportation, from right, speaks with Alexander Acosta, U.S. labor secretary, and Steven Mnuchin, U.S. Treasury secretary, during a ‘Be Best’ initiative event in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, May 7, 2018

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said prosecutors in New York were not bound by the Florida deal

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said prosecutors in New York were not bound by the Florida deal

Portrait of American financier Jeffrey Epstein (left) and real estate developer Donald Trump as they pose together at the Mar-a-Lago estate, Palm Beach, Florida, 1997

Portrait of American financier Jeffrey Epstein (left) and real estate developer Donald Trump as they pose together at the Mar-a-Lago estate, Palm Beach, Florida, 1997

The Trump White House defended Acosta after a federal judge ruled prosecutors acted unlawfully by failing to inform victims about the deal in advance. 

 Trump, asked in February to respond, said: ”I really don’t know too much about it,” then defended Acosta’s current work. ‘I know he’s done a great job as Labor secretary, and that seems like a long time ago, but I know he’s been a fantastic Labor secretary. That’s all I can really tell you about it. That’s all I know about it,’ Trump said.

Then-White House press secretary Sarah Sanders called it a complicated case, adding: ‘but that they made the best possible decision and deal they could have gotten at that time.’

Epstein, a billionaire hedge funder, is known for his high-profile connections including President Bill Clinton, Trump, and Prince Andrew, although Berman would not comment on any relationships with other individuals. 

California Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu of California blasted Acosta in a tweet that tied in President Trump Monday. ‘@realDonaldTrump Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta gave pedophile Jeffrey Epstein a sweetheart deal when Acosta was US Attorney. Now it appears Epstein has molested more children. Why did @SecretaryAcosta let Epstein go?’

A Labor Department source referred to the Justice Department for comment.