Malcolm Turnbull’s government may be at risk of imploding as the scandal involving Barnaby Joyce’s pregnant former staffer continues to dominate Australian politics – but that didn’t stop him jetting off to Washington.
The Prime Minister ignored mounting domestic pressure over Barnaby Joyce’s refusal to stand down over his messy affair with Vikki Campion, 33, and travelled 16,000km to Washington for a trip focusing on the American alliance and ‘100 years of mateship’.
But despite touching down in Washington DC on Wednesday evening for a four-day visit, the Prime Minister is yet to meet President Donald Trump who’s embroiled in the gun control debate following the Florida shooting that killed 17.
Malcolm Turnbull touched down on Wednesday evening in Washington DC for a four-day U.S. trip
The prime minister kick-started day one of his trip by taking a morning stroll with his wife Lucy around the Lincoln Memorial.
Mr Turnbull then met with Treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin over breakfast where he praised the Trump Administration for its tax reforms.
‘The reality is, the experience they are seeing here in the United States is they are seeing stronger economic growth because of those tax cuts,’ Mr Turnbull said.

Prime minister Turnbull faces growing domestic pressure with the unresolved Barnaby Joyce affair despite being on tour shaking hands with U.S. officials half way across the world

Deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce has been in crisis since it was revealed he was embroiled in an affair with former staffer Vikki Campion. The couple are expecting a child in April
Through his appraisal of the U.S. tax reforms, he aimed to push his own Coalition’s proposed company tax cuts.
‘It underlines the importance of completing our tax reform program,’ Mr Turnbull said.
Mr Turnbull met with the Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen to discuss cyber security in light of confirmed Russian interference and cyber attacks during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The Prime Minister visits Arlington cemetery to pay his respects to the 400, 000 American veterans

The prime minister also paid respect to the one Australian World War II airman in Arlington cemetery

Prime minister Turnbull and his wife Lucy brave the cold to visit Arlington cemetery on Thursday
He also met with federal reserve chairman Jerome Powell, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and National Security Agency director Michael Rogers.
The Prime Minister later visited the Arlington cemetery to pay his respects to the 400,000 American veterans and one Australian World War II airman.
While Mr Turnbull is shaking hands with high profile U.S. officials, their is growing pressure from his people at home.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meets U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell

Malcolm Turnbull takes to social during his meeting with chairman of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell. Ambassador of Australia to the United States Joe Hockey was also present during the talks

While Mr Turnbull is shaking hands with high profile U.S. officials, his government is at risk of imploding over the Barnaby Joyce’s scandalous affair with his former staffer
This comes after Nationals MP Andrew Broad’s comments against the deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce a few hours after the prime minister landed in Washington DC.
Andrew Broad publicly confirmed his zero confidence in the Nationals party leader.
Mr Broad told the ABC on Thursday he had the endorsement of his local branch to call Joyce to resign as leader of the National party.
This makes him the first federal Nationals MP to publicly call for Barnaby Joyce to resign.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meets Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen (centre) and National Security Agency director Michael Rogers (left)

Mr Turnbull is experiencing growing pressure from the Australian public and media for being on tour in the U.S. while his government is in shambles
The Turnbulls will be graced with a ceremonial welcome from Mr Trump and his wife, Melania this Friday.
The two leaders will then meet privately in the Oval Office to work on the alliance, which comes after their shaky phone call last January on President Trump’s eighth day in office.
The leaders will meet to confirm their alliance and agreements on key issues including trade, TPP, cyber security, the continuing threat of North Korea and U.S. engagement in China.

The two leaders will meet on Friday for private discussions in the Oval Office. This comes after their shaky phone call last January on President Trump’s eighth day in office