Meet the hunky twins whose stunning workout pictures, in which they display their finely tuned bodies, have taken social media by storm.
Austin and Justin Starks, 20, from Atlanta, Georgia and pre-med students at Cornell University, describe themselves as each other’s best friends and have been working out together ever since seventh grade.
Images show the pair tensing and flexing their super defined muscles while video footage shows them lifting weights of up to an eye-popping 575 pounds.
Siblings: Twin brothers Austin (left) and Justin (right) Starks display their finely tuned bodies and workout pictures on Instagram and they have taken social media by storm

Brothers: The 20-year-old twins from Atlanta, Georgia were always athletic and have worked out together since seventh grade but it wasn’t till they started weight training that they bulked
And perhaps unsurprisingly, the brothers’ incredibly impressive bodies are helping them to earn a legion of online fans, with thousands flocking to follow their joint Instagram account.
‘We’ve been athletes since middle school, taking on weight training and track in our seventh-grade year, although the weight training initially fizzled out, we continued track together for the next five years,’ said Austin.
‘When we got to college we decided to take on weight training again. At first it started off as something we did to stay active and make sure we didn’t get too out of shape, but it quickly became a priority for us.
‘We loved the structure it brought to our lives and especially loved the results.
‘If you look at us before, you’ll see that we already had a developed muscular base to build upon.
‘That being said, we weren’t satisfied with our physiques, we weren’t fat but were definitely out of shape as a result of being inactive and not having a good diet.

Before and after: Justin said that he and Austin (pictured), were out of shape as a result of being inactive and not having a good diet but once they changed their habits they transformed

Diet: Their diet isn’t strict and depends on if they’re cutting or bulking and when cutting they eat 1700 to 2200 calories daily while consuming 3400 to 3800 calories when bulking

Lifting: Justin, (pictured) lifted 5 reps of 465 pounds while practicing his impressive sumo deadlifts
‘Our self-esteem never depended on how we looked so we never hated ourselves or how we looked. However, our confidence has gone through the roof since we started working out more.
‘We love our bodies and love the results. The difference is night and day both in how we interact with others with newfound confidence and how others interact with us.’
Justin went on to discuss the duo’s relationship in more detail while also revealing the diet behind their impressive exterior.
‘We’ve always been best friends, there’s nothing like the bond between twins as we experience life together at the same time,’ he said.

Best friends: The pre-med students at Cornell University, are also best friends and spend around ten to twelve hours a week in the gym doing a variety of high intensity reps

Backlash: Justin (pictured) shared the one sad thing about all of this is that people look at their transformations and say that they’re on performance enhancing drugs
‘We also experience similar hardships, there’s been so many other twins we talked to that don’t have a close relationship, to us it’s like why wouldn’t you? We wouldn’t change our relationship for anything in the world.
‘There’s no secret behind our diets, it just depends if we are cutting or bulking. The only thing we strive to do is eat 200g of protein, everything else comes from any food we want, literally anything and that includes Taco Bell, cheesecake, Wendy’s and McDonalds.
‘Clean eating is a myth, you don’t just have to each chicken, broccoli and rice to see results. We eat anything we desire so long as our protein goal is reached.
‘When we’re cutting we eat as low as 1700 to 2200 calories a day and when bulking we eat as high as 3400 to 3800 calories.’
Finally, Austin gave a run down of his and Justin’s gym routine, while also discussing how others react to seeing their physiques and misconceptions many people have about them.

Team: The brothers are on the Cornell Powerlifting Team where their team took home the trophy at the Ivy League Championship Powerlifting meet

Winner: Justin, (pictured) took home the Georgia State powerlifting record by lifting 540 pounds in a deadlift
‘We do upper body three times a weeks and lower body twice a week with two rest days, overall we spend around ten to twelve hours a week in the gym doing a variety of high intensity and high-volume reps,’ he said.
‘The gym is something we both enjoy, so, spending up to two-and-half hours in a session is something that we both actually look forward to every day.
‘The only sad thing about all of this is that many people look at us, look at where we began and where we ended up and say that we are on performance enhancing drugs.
‘It’s upsetting because while good, our progress isn’t anything out of this world. We gained some muscle and lost some fat, nothing we did was remotely unachievable.
‘It’s sad that so many people make such mediocre progress that they must paint decent progress as the result of steroids.
‘Looking back, we never expected to achieve the results we have. So, to people out there who see our results and think it’s impossible for them, it’s not.
‘If your priorities are in check and if you are doing what you need to do, with hard work and consistency you can change your body to be the one that you dream of.’