Some people are still single simply because they’ve yet to find The One — but others have some very specific reasons in mind of their lacking love lives.
Jimmy Fallon tapped into these romantically challenged viewers’ stories this week, asking them to share some of sad, embarrassing, and funny reasons they are unattached with the hashtag #WhyImSingle.
Hundreds obliged, and while the late night talk show host read a few highlights on his program on Thursday night, Twitter holds many more cute and cringe-worthy tales worth perusing.
Story time! Jimmy Fallon asked Twitter followers to tweet with the hashtag #WhyImSingle, and read a selection of the funniest ones on Thursday

Yikes! He kicked things off with an awkward story involving a cute girl

Timing: The TV host asked for the tweets in honor of the Bachelorette finale
Jimmy first asked his followers to share their #WhyImSingle stories on Twitter on August 7 in honor of the Bachelorette finale,
He kicked things off with a funny one from his own past: ‘A cute girl once said hi to me at a friend’s BBQ. I got so nervous I just nodded my head and said, “Cap’n,” back at her.’
On Thursday night, he read a few more on his show.
‘I took this girl to the movies and all I wanted to do was kiss her. I lean in. She leans in. I took a deep breath, here goes nothing… and then I sneezed all over her face,’ read @RickyP3rd’s tweet.
‘I waked right into a guys very messy apartment and said, “Oh cool, this is just like one of those places in the Febreeze commercials,’ recounted user @Sweaty__Betty.

Drink up! This man couldn’t come up with something flirty to say fast enough — and was left kicking himself later

Relatable: This woman already has a bunch of imaginary boyfriends from books and TV shows

Well she’s honest! For this Twitter user, the problem is everyone else

Your Meow-jesty! Erin seems to recognize her very fancy-named cat is a deterrent

Fair enough! This woman gets enough affection from her pup
‘Went on a blind date & had a GREAT conversation with the guy for 40 minutes,’ tweeted @tidewoddergirl. ‘I went to the Ladies’ Room & when I returned, sat down & resumed chatting. He looked a little confused & then I heard a voice behind me say, “You’re at the wrong table. I’m over here.”’
There are hundreds more online, which range from mortifying to perfectly understandable
A man named Zach Feldman wrote: ‘A cute girl at work walked by me while I was filling my water bottle. She smiled at me and rather than saying hi I let out a moan and said “Hydration am I right.”‘
‘I can’t differentiate if someone is being nice to me or flirting, I just assume every one is being nice to avoid any awkward confrontation,’ write uesr @laura_sifuente5.
Another, @phillymoreno, blamed it on the dating pool, writing: ‘I’m surrounded by idiots.’

Another awkward moment! Mike also didn’t have something flirty to stay in response to a cute girl

Clooney will come around! Tara is just waiting for her celebrity beau

The tough questions: Michelle seems to really go in for it when she meets a guy

Toughie: To be fair, sometimes it is quite difficult to tell flirting from just being nice
‘I’m mentally dating a handful of fictional characters,’ said @spn_enthusiast, in a tweet that many other people seemed to relate to.
A woman name Erin Bode wrote she is single ‘because dating is exhausting and my dog loves me.’
‘I have a cat named Her Majesty Queen Meow Meow von Buckingham III, Esq.’ wrote another pet owner, @erin1237.
‘One time on a dating app the guy I was talking to mentioned that he hiked to a waterfall to which I said that TLC told me not to go chasing waterfalls so I don’t go near them. The conversation stopped,’ wrote a woman named Caitlin Regina.
‘I still use the finger L trick to determine my left from my right’ offered Twitter user @izzy_isamachine.

Get this girl a boyfriend! Caitlin’s comeback actually seems pretty funny

Cringe! This woman didn’t even realize she’d sat down with the wrong guy

Not attractive: Some day, this man will find a woman who finds this endearing

Worth the effort? Laura’s too lazy to deal with the physical upkeep

Mutual stalking: Both Mackenzie and the guy she was talking to let too much slip… maybe it’s meant to be?
‘I’ve see too many episodes of Criminal Minds, and apparently “How would you characterize your relationship with your mother?” isn’t great first date material,’ shared @BelleofBabble.
‘I fall for famous people and stay away from real people just in case the celebrity realizes I’m the one for them,’ chimed in @taraxxgrace.
A woman name Mackenzie Nelson recalled: ‘While talking to a guy I liked about my friend, he asked if she was a redhead, then apologized & said, “it’s probably weird that I know her from your Instagram.” To make him feel better, I said, “No it’s ok, I look at your Instagram every night before I go to bed!”
Finally, a man named Mike Keller offered up this awkward tale: ‘When I was in my twenties a girl I worked with (who I liked) told me that I looked nice in the sweater that I was wearing. To which I said, “I like sweaters. Sweaters are warm.” After that I turned, walked away and went back to my cubicle.’