Student is caught with a SIX-FOOT cheat sheet while sitting university history exam in Ukraine – and passes after professor is so impressed he lets her use it
- A Ukrainian student smuggled a giant cheat sheet into her history exam in Kiev
- A professor noticed the paper and seized it, but was impressed with the notes
- The history student was allowed to continue her exam and successfully passed
- Yevgeny Magda shared a picture of the student’s cheat sheet on Facebook
A Ukrainian student caught cheating in her university exam had a lucky escape, after her impressed professor let her off the hook.
The history student had smuggled in a near six-foot-long cheat sheet with her to the exam at Taras Shevchenko National University in Kiev.
Her lengthy notes were seized by a professor who was monitoring the exam – but the rule-breaking did not prevent the student from continuing the test, and successfully passing.
The history student had reportedly smuggled in a near six-foot-long cheat sheet (pictured) with her to the exam at Taras Shevchenko National University

Professor of political science Yevgeny Magda (pictured) noticed the 5.9 foot long cheat sheet after the exam was underway and seized it
The student, who was being tested on European and American History from 1861 to 1918, had allegedly pre-prepared the huge scroll of notes to take with her for reference.
Professor of political science Yevgeny Magda noticed the 5.9 foot long cheat sheet only after the exam was underway and immediately seized it.
‘These are a girl’s notes.. She passed the exam. Usually with a cheat sheet, I would kick the student out,’ Magda said.
‘But in this case I did not because I appreciated the effort.’
Professor Yevgeny Magda took to social media to share a picture of the long sheet of paper covered in notes.

The history student had been sitting an exam at Taras Shevchenko National University in Kiev (pictured)