Ukrainian refugee girl is fighting for life after being attacked by a MONKEY: Child is saved by parents but suffers huge blood loss after animal escapes Moscow zoo
- The escaped monkey is seen on video viciously biting the helpless small child
- Her parents attempted to free their daughter from the animal, but it fought back
- Footage shows them desperately trying to free the girl from the monkey’s grasp
- She suffered lacerations of her arms and legs, and serious blood loss. The girl called Paulina is now fighting for her life in intensive care after ‘severe’ wounds
- The victim was described as a refugee child from the war in Ukraine
An escaped monkey brutally attacked a Ukrainian war refugee girl after escaping from a private zoo in Moscow, leaving the girl fighting for her life.
The animal is seen on video viciously biting the helpless toddler as her parents fight to free her from the grip of the escaped pet.
The girl called Paulina is now in intensive care after the horrific ordeal in an elite village near Russia’s capital. Her wounds are described as ‘severe’.
She suffered lacerations of her arms and legs, and serious blood loss.
An escaped monkey brutally attacked a Ukrainian war refugee girl after escaping from a private zoo in Moscow. Pictured: The monkey is shown in CCTV footage pulling the toddler down from a swimming pool ladder
The girl’s mother and father heard her screams and rushed to rescue her. But the monkey kept attacking her even as she was pulled away from the primate.
‘The parents came running to the screams and with difficulty freed their daughter from the animal’s clutches,’ said one report.
The monkey had escaped from a ‘pet zoo’ belonging to a millionaire in a next door property and scaled the fence.
It then attacked Paulina who was on a stepladder close to a garden swimming pool, with the incident being captured on CCTV footage.
Other children are seen running away, leaving the money alone to attack the small girl. Footage shows the monkey dragging the child to the ground, pinning her down.
The girl’s mother is shown running from around the side of the pool, grabbing her daughter and desperately pulling her away from the monkey.
The creature clings on to the girl even as the mother pulls her away, causing the primate to swing around as it tried to keep hold of its prize.

The monkey attacked Paulina who was on a stepladder close to a garden swimming pool, with the incident being captured on CCTV footage (pictured). Left: The monkey pins the young girl down. Right: The girl’s mother tries to pull her daughter away from the escape primate

The girl’s mother is shown running from around the side of the pool, grabbing her daughter and desperately pulling her away from the monkey. She is able to free her daughter for a matter of seconds before it lunges at them again, at which point the girl’s father enters the fray

Pictured: The father attempts to kick the monkey, which is undeterred and continues its attack
She is able to free her daughter for a matter of seconds before it lunges at them again, at which point the girl’s father is seen joining the fray. He tries to kick the monkey away from his wife and daughter, but the monkey is undeterred.
At this point, it appears the parents have been able to fend the money off. They walk out of sight of the camera, but the monkey chases after them, again grabbing hold of the little girl and attempting to drag her from her mother’s grasp.
While the parents were eventually able to free their daughter from the monkey, Paulina suffered from severe injuries and was left in intensive care.
Reports said the wealthy neighbours also keep wolves, elephants and other wild animals in their home zoo in Terpigorievo village, say reports.
The victim was described as a refugee child from the war in Ukraine.

Pictured: Blood is shown on the floor after the girl was attacked by the monkey. The girl called Paulina is now fighting for her life in intensive care after the horrific ordeal in an elite village near Russia’s capital. Her wounds are described as ‘severe’
The girl’s parents are friends of the owner of the house where the attack took place.
They had given the family refuge from the war started in February by Russian president Vladimir Putin.
Police are now investigating the attack after the parents made a complaint about the horrific attack.
The zoo is said to be owned by the wife of a prominent Moscow lawyer.
A criminal investigation is underway.