UNDER THE MICROSCOPE: Pop star Beverley Knight, 46, takes our health quiz
Looking good: Age-defying Beverley Knight ensures that she eats a healthy diet
Can you run up the stairs?
Easily, I am very fit. I go to the gym five times a week, and do a mixture of cardio and weights. Because of what I do for a living, stamina and cardiovascular health are important.
Get your five a day?
More like 12 or 13 a day. I consume a lot of fruit and veg, whether it’s through a juice or just munching through a meal.
Pop any pills?
I am a fan of supplements. I take lots every day, including vitamin D — I think living in this climate we all need it. I also take biotin for my hair, skin and nails every day, and spirulina and chlorella as they are superfoods.
Ever dieted?
I put on a lot of weight due to stress, poor eating choices and the end of one relationship while trying to cope with my growing career. I hired a personal trainer and got my life back on track. I’m about a 6-8 dress size.
Any vices?
Sweets. Chocolate can sit in the house for ever but Haribo, Skittles or Starbursts I find hard to resist. I don’t drink alcohol because I don’t like it.
Would you have plastic surgery?
I am happy with my face, but I wouldn’t rule out surgery on my feet as I have a bunion on my right foot.
Most serious illness?
Uterine fibroids — benign growths in the womb. When I was in The Bodyguard in Toronto in 2017, I felt a lump and got it checked out. I was told my blood pressure was through the roof (for some women, high blood pressure can be a complication of fibroids), so they would have to keep me in. I was like: ‘No, I’m going on stage’. I had to have a hysterectomy, and it took months to recover.
Cope well with pain?
No. I roll up into a ball and feel sorry for myself, but I hate taking tablets.

‘I put on a lot of weight due to stress, poor eating choices and the end of one relationship while trying to cope with my growing career. I hired a personal trainer and got my life back on track’
Ever Googled an illness?
About a decade ago, I was out of breath while exercising. I Googled my symptoms and found I had a mild form of pneumonia — and my GP confirmed it. I took antibiotics for a couple of weeks and was fine.
Tried alternative remedies?
Acupuncture for back pain and muscle spasms. I think it helps.
Ever been depressed?
No, never. I am lucky.
What keeps you awake?
Song ideas.
Have any phobias?
Spiders. I have been known to leave my house because of them.
Like to live for ever?
I’d love my legacy to live for ever. My body doesn’t need to go on and on.
Beverley will be performing at Kew The Music on July 9; kew.org